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Everything posted by KaRtA

  1. 698 next......but my ram is pretty average, this was a headache with them. Ps, I was being sarcastic about it.
  2. ^This guy! That is gold! stivut, I am sure that Michael will see what and where at the correct milestones for the competition. Not sure he needs a running dialogue of incorrect submissions along the way.
  3. Lucky it wasn't me that won it then and used it in the Gigabyte Comp at the start of the year.... Sounds like a good time for a rule shakeup on these products.
  4. Could be the position of the sensor may have moved slightly, which can affect the reading. Try another sensor between the head and CPU and see how it goes.
  5. I don't even want to comment.....oh wait.....I just did. Well done mate. IMA hang up my boots now, like the rest of the 742 club should.
  6. Use the slow mode man. Don't want that hard work going to waste.
  7. But why delete it then if it's all ok?
  8. Coverup to save league change I'd say *cough* IceBucket *cough*
  9. Sub deleted now. Who did that and why???
  10. What cooling????? 10 degree package temp?????
  11. no hwmonitor shown in screenshot for tests. check the rules.
  12. no hwmonitor shown in screenshot for tests. check the rules.
  13. I'm sorry, but what about running 1.85v in hwbot prime. That just isn't right on ambient! 1.76v was far fetched enough!
  14. Hey, it's still water at the end of the day. All in the delivery hahahaha
  15. This is the best thing I have seen all day.
  16. Thank-you for your support guys. Just hope the trash is cleared out of the MSI competition. It is easy to see who is running true water or ambient cooling vs those who are hiding the full picture (look at rig pics, where is the full loop? they are hiding things, 1.65v+ and 60 deg max temps, get your hand off it before it is stuck there!!!). My chips all Delid with CLU under, and Kryo on top. There is no possible way to have the temps like others have at their voltages and temperatures without further cooling assistance. Screen shots show it all. I am lucky it is quite cool here still, and 12-15 degree air when benching. Back to benching for fun and the hobby, until competition can prevent people finding ways around the rules and make a fair playground for all. Stay True, Bench Strong.
  17. 30 degree minimum is good, will suit everyone that way and stop these stupid binned chips. Good work on the rules.
  18. About time for one of these again. Lucky I still have my board around. Questions, Temperature rules, is the 30deg rule for Load or Idle temp? Can you please clarify. If it's a Idle, my current ambient is quite low (around 10°c), so need to be certain. Ram - I have a set of Zadak 3200C16 ram. Will this be allowed for use? Far from anything special. I look forward to some of these new rules. It will certainly keep the momentum going. Well done to the organizers.
  19. Can someone post how to OC on i3/i5 please. I cannot for the life of me OC for the ambient comp and my time is running short. On bios 173, and limited to 102.7bclk, any more I get boot loop, or 35 or 02 code. Thanks
  20. Where are you getting these CPU's from? I want one....or three!
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