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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Fyi, the calendars are now public! It should be fairly easy to add the calendars to your own calenders . Check first post for the calenders - feel free to post your arrival/departure details in this thread so it can be added to the agenda! Maybe it would be good to figure out if you can share a taxi from the airport to Taipei City!
  2. Next time everyone gets a little timeout. We're all grown-ups here, let's not make it look like we're not. Bench on!
  3. Littleboy, you are making a very valid point. The decision to allow old scores was not an easy one. As you say, using old scores in a competition is not very usual. Ultimately, the decision to allow old scores was made to make the transition period between the League and the Cup a little less abrupt. By allowing old scores to be used, people who managed great scores in the months (and sometimes weeks) before the Cup would still be able to re-use them. Over time, less and less old scores will be useful in the Cup, so this problem will fade away over time. It has nothing to do with HWBOT thinking there would be too little results.
  4. I think (Nordic) Visa works in Taipei. Ask Elmor.
  5. If you want to use your regular bank card (not credit card), make sure to check with your bank to activitate it for Taiwan. I have to re-activate mine every three months; if I don't, I can't use the card here.
  6. Lol. I'll make a guide once I get the public sharing to work.
  7. I know, that's the sharing issue I mentioned before. Changed the default sharing options now, but it's going to take a while to get it updated.
  8. Yeah, seems like a little issue with sharing. Trying to fix it This is how it looks like here:
  9. Alright, just added two Calenders in Google to track events and arrival/departure. I suggest to update the arrival/departure calender with all the info as well so we know who is around and when I'm also adding locations to the different events on the event calender. Basically, the address shows up in your calender. Just have to click the address and it should open your default location app (like Google Maps). [gcal=20130601%2F20130630]hwbot.org_jmcd2kiqnj88bbg9bgai89b68c[/gcal] [gcal=20130601%2F20130630]hwbot.org_hs6gi9goeup63qt196d957mng4[/gcal] Should I just send an email invite to everyone that is on the attendance list or share to who asks to be invited?
  10. Just added 03/06 - 03/06, 1PM - 6PM: Corsair (confirmed) to the agenda. Still waiting for the final confirmation of who's attending and what the final setup will be, but as Dino already mentioned it'll involve competition and lots of cash $$, haha.
  11. Pretty awesome, Steven! Nice work!
  12. Oh, and I assume everyone has a smartphone, right? I can make a Google Calender for the overclocking events at Computex and invite the people attending the show so you can import it in your agenda.
  13. Hey everyone, We've prepared a couple of HWBOT Easycards for people who are attending Computex. You can use these to travel back and forth with the MRT (metro) or even to pay in 7/11 grocery stores. Let me know if you want one and if need be I'll have more made. Cheers!
  14. Oh, didn't follow it that closely. How did it go?
  15. Can you provide a link to the page ?
  16. "The guys from the youtube videos"? (forgot his name)
  17. Big props to Slamms for pushing this through!
  18. Do you clear you cookies before ordering? Airline companies charge you more if they see you already checked the website multiple times.
  19. Looks like TridentX lol
  20. Fyi, CatZilla stage has been canceled: http://hwbot.org/newsflash/1979_team_cup_2013_update___final_prize_list_catzilla_stage_cancelled_(almost)_100_teams_and_more
  21. The official cut-off was today. Three last-minute subscriptions .
  22. Added to feature backlog. Trivial, though, so not high priority. Thanks for reporting!
  23. I assume you're running v1.0.1 ? Physics test seems low too.
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