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Everything posted by Massman

  1. The seach option will be back in the next update, which is scheduled for 1st July.
  2. I'm utterly confused now
  3. Original thread and more info: http://forums.tweaktown.com/overclocking/44694-apu-smashed-new-igp-world-records-gigabyte-a75m-ud2h-3dvantage-p6160-igp.html Looks good. It's also a retail CPU!
  4. . The error is indeed super-easy to read
  5. For those who need the 580 Matrix coldslow BIOS, here it is: - ASUS GTX 580 Matrix coldslow BIOS:
  6. ASUS - P8P67 Pro bios (1606): - P8P67-M Pro bios (0713): - P8P67 Deluxe bios (1702): MSI - P67A-GD80 bios (10.3b2): - P67A-GD65 bios (1.12b6):'>'> - P67A-GD55 bios (1.12b6): - P67A-GD53 bios (1.12b6): - P67A-S43 bios (1.12b2):'>'> - P67A-C45 bios (1.12b2): - P67A-C43 bios (1.12b2): Will upload GIGABYTE BIOS later today
  7. Yeap. Added it to the buglist.
  8. Achievements are currently broke. For those who have submissions that should yield points, but aren't, try this: 1) Click 'edit score' 2) Save score After each edit, the points are being recalculated again. Even if you don't change anything.
  9. What is the country of your team? I changed it to Argentina twice already ...
  10. Fyi, I suggested this to be filter options of the page: http://bugs.hwbot.org/browse/HWBOT-349 Any suggestions from you guys?
  11. Correct Christian. Points are awarded, but the ranking doesn't show HW points due to a small bug. It's fixed on test server already.
  12. Link, please
  13. How big was your image?
  14. If you check out the 'Versions' tab, you can actually see the progress on R4. All HWBOT versions from 3.9.0 and up were dedicated to Rev4. http://bugs.hwbot.org/browse/HWBOT#selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project%3Aversions-panel
  15. 4.1 is planned to be released July 1st. Sometimes we also release features before the release of the package deal.
  16. I think this link has been public for a while, but probably got lost. Anyway, to keep track of the issues/bugs/ideas/... we maintain a JIRA project. This project is public, which means you can see exactly what is planned, what is in progress, what didn't make it and so on. Link: http://bugs.hwbot.org/browse/HWBOT Note that the JIRA project is quite dynamic as funtion of Frederik's free time. That means that sometimes we move tasks from one release to another if we see we won't be able to make it in time or if we just weren't able to make it.
  17. Faq: http://hwbot.org/article/faq Question: I lost points in comparison to Rev3, how is that possible? Answer: Of course the reason can be different for everyone, but the most common cause of the loss of points is the removal of the personal hardware point cap of 300 points and instead limiting the effect of hardware points to ‘top-20′ most rewarding scores. - Rev3: MAX(hardware points, 300) - Rev4: SUM(top-20 most rewarding hardware scores) Example: if you have 1000 0.1p submissions, your hw point contribution would be: - Rev3: MAX(1000×0.1, 300) => 100p - Rev4: SUM(25x 0.1) => 2.5p The only way to ’solve this situation is by … pushing harder!
  18. If you check the member contribution page on your team's profile, you'll notice that your contribution has increased to 127.04pts, by the way.
  19. It's already fixed on the test server (just add test. before url).
  20. Just like the 300 hw points cap, the top-20 only applies to the user ranking. For the team ranking ALL scores count.
  21. Should work in ~ 5 minutes/
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