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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Nice report! I'll add them to the opening post!
  2. Updated again: - 116 FPO/steppings - 356 different samples
  3. Can you please post your message in Greeek? The translator is making it very difficult to understand the message.
  4. Please PM me the details of the new team you want to create (name, forum, etc). I'll create it manually so you can join and manage it.
  5. - Fatal1ty P67 Professional bios (1.80):
  6. Any experience with the price of these shops? Enough to make an estimate on the 'normal' retail price?
  7. Hoping the price drops when the boards are available on the shelf ...
  8. First pre-order pricing rates in EU. Not the €400 that was rumoured, but also not the $280 that was 'promised' in an earlier video. None of the stores have this board in house, so the question also remains if this will be the final retail price.
  9. That's why I think it's not a good idea to hand out points for these benchmarks. So, just for fun ... I don't suppose anyone would cheat in a 'just-for-fun' ranking?
  10. So, now all eyes are on the APAC finals!
  11. Yes, except for the always underestimated Greek team
  12. All videos made by OCTV so far for reference:
  13. In the lobby of the hotel now, in between award ceremony and dinner. In my opinion, this was (again) an excellent event by MSI! Also, the competitors were very, very strong this time. Only 1 team had a '0'-score because their CPU died and most others did LN2 runs at decent clocks. The top places were very tight: 5 minutes from the end 4 teams were still fighting! For me, the last day was a bit of problem: our second card didn't surpass 1260/1375 (probably because IHS still on GPU). To qualify we needed ~ 1350 GPU score which was quite far from what we had. Better luck next time!
  14. Only 5300. Turns out belgium always having the best cpu is just a myth
  15. Just received the message that pt1t's luggage is now in amsterdam :-/
  16. So. Turkish airlines did their best and forgot to put pt1t's luggage in the aiplane. No cpu pot, no mainboard.
  17. Ehr. Aren't you just using speedhacking software? Something that is already prohibited ...
  18. 90% of the BIOSes in this thread are BETA. That means unofficial and no guaranteed stability. Overclockers just don't care about what the manufacturer warrants and prefer to test beta bioses on their own
  19. For your info, these are the 'bogus' runs: - http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2154046_alancsalt_3dmark_99_max_2x_geforce_gtx_460_256bit_127197_marks - http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2154263_alancsalt_3dmark_99_max_2x_geforce_gtx_460_256bit_127757_marks - http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2139731_matti_oc_3dmark_99_max_radeon_hd_2900_xt_512_mb_134579_marks - http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2138667_freakezoit_3dmark_99_max_geforce_8800_gts_512_mb_159764_marks - http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2148725_s_a_v_3dmark_99_max_radeon_hd_6950_435742_marks - http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2155129_christian_ney_3dmark_99_max_radeon_hd_3450_2885681152_marks - http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2155645_christian_ney_3dmark_99_max_radeon_x1050_64bit_4127195136_marks
  20. So, with all the rediculous scores being posted with 3DM99 through CPU detection tricks, what should we do with this benchmark? I love the nostaligia about it, so I'd suggest to keep it here without any points and agree (read: add to rules) that the CPU detection cannot be tricked. Your opinion?
  21. On my Xpower board, the BCLK buttons were disabled with OC Genie I think. Are you sure pressing the BCLK buttons before POST screen will increase value? There are quite some differences between the two setups, by the way. Different BIOS, different memory divider.
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