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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Rumours go that there will only be one CPU for each team. Hope the rumours are not correct.
  2. Welcome!
  3. I can imagine Jonas' team stealing all of our thunder.
  4. Vdroop needed to be fixed manually on a v0.2 EVT (first beta) board. That's the mod.
  5. I'm confused. So, there's not enough bandwidth to stream video to the outside without making it impossible for the other press members to do anything. Because of this, OC-TV will not stream. Cyph3r Smurf will livestream, but only the nordic teams? So, there will be enough bandwidth? Or Cyph3r will use all bandwidth for the Nordics?
  6. - GA-P67A-UD3-B3 bios (F3):
  7. OCTV will be there, but as far as I know there has been no confirmation on the quality of the upstream connection. So, it's possible that there will be no livestream.
  8. All re-hosted: - GA-P67A-UD3P-B3 bios (F3): - GA-P67A-UD3R-B3 bios (F3): - P67A-UD4 bios (F8i1): (B3-BIOS mod by Mayak, click for info) - GA-P67A-UD4-B3 bios (F3): - P67A-UD5 bios (F7e1):'> (B3-BIOS mod by Mayak, click for info) - P67A-UD5 bios (F7): - GA-P67A-UD5-B3 bios (F3): - P67A-UD7 bios (F8f1):'> (B3-BIOS mod by Mayak, click for info) - P67A-UD7 bios (F8): - GA-P67A-UD7-B3 bios (F3):
  9. Do those have PLL override? Previous official BIOSes didn't have it.
  10. Did some quick googling: Chaintech was in there as well with SeePU BIOS extention (~ Abit's Softmenu). It already featured on a Socket7 board with 430TX chipset (5TDM2) in '97.
  11. My first instincts make me think about the 440BX chipset. Some boards had limited FSB adjustment capabilities (in big steps). In those days, Abit was a big player. I think it was called "SoftMenu" or so.
  12. Why is everyone so hooked on marketing slogans? I don't think "our first attempt to bring a mainboard dedicated to overclocking to the market, with compromises for sales and management, that does not have 90% of the features you disable anyway" is catchy enough to put on a box. SOOO, if this was an attempt to debunk the myth that marketing always tell the full 100% truth, then 'hooray' you succeeded. Now, let's stop moaning about the marketing slogans. Waste of space and time. Regarding the questions, pretty sure it'll be either Abit or ASUS on all questions. //edit: or Soyo!
  13. Any particular challenges on S754 that you'd be interested in?
  14. - Sabertooth P67 bios (1502):
  15. Did you already have a score with that 920? If your previous 920 score was worth ~ 8p and your current score ~ 14p, you go up by 6p.
  16. INTRO Just got this card in house. Only air cooling results so far, need to use the little bits of LN2 I have left to test Lightning first. Card can do ~ 1050/1200 on air with elevated voltages. Unlike with the 6950, increasing pressure to stock cooling did not gain any more results. LN2 test will come! THE CARD THE MODIFICATIONS THE SCORES
  17. I just put it next to the Mayak modded BIOSes. Gradus said the option is there, but it just doesn't work properly?
  18. Oh, awesome! Good catch! There was the Abit mainboard too, this one as well. I think Foxconn did it +/_ with only 3x DIMM on their X58 board, but then had too much other features on board. This OC board is definitly not the first 'overclocking mainboard'. I suppose it's pretty much the first modern dedicated OC board. Anyways, what's up with arguing over something what MARKETING said? If we believe everything marketing says, we should be most happy about the Super-Speed USB3 connector on the board
  19. You are the only overclocker who found a girl to come along. You already won.
  20. Strange things are happening in Belgium. Last session (03/04/11):
  21. I'm sorry Henry, tu-dum-dum-tum, I never meant to hurt you-ou-u, I never meant to make you cry ... You're wrong: it's not a question of 'if' ! (also edited my comment to Elmor/ME4ME )
  22. ^^ this.
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