Voting is interesting. According to the peeps here, the qualified teams will be:
1) SE - Elmor/ME4ME
2) RU - Slamms/Smoke
3) RO - Monstru/Matose
4) DE - BenchBros
5) BE - Pt1T/Massman
Perhaps a more interesting question would've been: "Who fails miserably at ..."
I'm just wondering here: do you also hate all people who go by the name 'Dane' or even 'Dan'? What about all the 'Mark's of this world? Is there hope left for them?
Updated list of LGA1155 mainboards: 9 chipsets, 13 manufacturers and 228 products. Pretty much complete, I think. Too bad there's not a single board that is both well-priced, has most high-end pwm components and none of the bs features.
Kingpin's benching 01 again ...
5550 + 1127/1432
G H Z is 'pretty' close: