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Everything posted by Massman

  1. This should be fixed now, right? @edkiefer: thanks for the screen, forwarding it to Intel
  2. Why not make a special 8K benchmark application? So only if you really want to run 8K, you'll download the huge file. I wonder if Tim has 8K footage though
  3. Just saw this http://hwbot.org/leagues/extreme
  4. Christian Ney is the big boss for the moderating. I have no power here
  5. Pinging you on Hangout, that's my fix . It usually gets resolved by itself. I don't reboot the servers or clear cache or so.
  6. Somehow I think this sandbag isn't even its final form
  7. Looking good! Will be interesting to see how the integration with the rankings will be
  8. Hm, can you post a screenshot?
  9. PS: http://hwbot.org/xtu/analyze/2958275
  10. 1580 looks pretty alright for 4 GHz http://hwbot.org/benchmark/xtu/rankings?start=&hardwareTypeId=processor_3639&cores=6#start=20#interval=20#coolingType=2 Can you push the CPU higher ?
  11. Wallpapers now available. I've also disabled submission with non-IGP
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