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Everything posted by aerotracks

  1. 1450€ shipped EU
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  12. Up for sale a 6600k boxed and new Z170M OCF. 6600k is delidded with T.Grizzly Conduconaut and resealed. The chip is an outstanding clocker, cache is very good, so is IMC - which in my experience is not so common on i5. Board is completely new with box and all accessories, perfect for any 743 endeavors Results 90mins prime95 27.9 custom in place with 23-25C water 4.5 1.104V - https://abload.de/img/20160814-0714003vke3.png 4.8 1.232V - https://abload.de/img/20160812-063046gusq4.png 4.9 1.296V - https://abload.de/img/20160815-075051bqkc7.png 5.0 1.376V - https://abload.de/img/20160815-093944taaw5.png Prices: 350 Euro for 6600k 225 Euro for Z170M OCF - sold If bought together shipping within EU is on me. Item location: Germany. Shipping cost in EU is 15.99 Euro. Payment via PayPal/IBAN. Buyer is responsible for PayPal fees. Private sale, no returns, no warranty. Overclocking results may vary, but were achieved as mentioned on my system.
  13. aerotracks

    Core i7 6950X

    Up for sale a i7 6950X. CPU is a very good clocker, for daily use I had it at 4.3 1.28V on AIO or 4.4 with good water cooling. I don't have the box, so it's just the CPU. Overclocking results: On AIO it can run all 3d at 4400MHz On Water (30C) 4.6 hwbot prime 1.4V, 4.4 cinebench r15 1.3V prime95 27.9 30mins 1344k: 4300MHz 1.274V, 4400MHz 1.347V (no AVX offset) On LN2: Only short test on Giga X99 Champion board which is bad choice for Broadwell-E, results should be better with proper board. CB -108C, no CBB Both Cinebench pass at 5125MHz, Hwbot Prime and GPUPI 5250MHz Not maximized, but next 125MHz steps (5250 for Cine and 5375 for hwbot Prime and GPUPI) failed. 1300 Euro plus shipping. Item location: Germany. Payment via PayPal/IBAN. Buyer is responsible for PayPal fees. Private sale, no returns, no warranty. Overclocking results may vary, but were achieved as mentioned on my system.
  14. I have the regular version of the card, not the OC model. No idea if it's any different, just in case: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1dgrqo2v8ifzqjq/GP104.rom?dl=0
  15. Sold, please move and close.
  16. Nope, didn't test with XTU. 30sec XTU bench is quite a bit lighter than 30mins of prime95, 5g+ won't be a problem if you know what you're doing.
  17. Up for sale a 6700k boxed, delidded with T.Grizzly Conductonaut and resealed. VID on Asus 1.216V which is pretty much as low as it gets. It overclocks like mental which might make it useful for a certain enthusiast comp starting tomorrow IMC is very strong too, 4133 12-11 RTL 49/50 air no problem on 2 Dimmers. Cache is pretty good as well, at 1.232V this chip can run 4800core and 4700 uncore 24/7 stable. Overclocking results with water-cooling on MOCF 4.5 1.088V 30mins prime95 18k 24C water 4.8 1.232V 90mins prime95 custom in place 25C water 5.0 1.392 30mins prime95 1344k 24C water, needs improved cooling for better result 5.2 is possible for light 3d (01,03,05 etc.) without pushing too hard at reasonable water temps. 600 Euro shipped EU. Item location: Germany. Payment via PayPal/IBAN. Buyer is responsible for PayPal fees. Private sale, no returns, no warranty. Overclocking results may vary, but were achieved as mentioned on my system.
  18. Why not change name to Mother Theresa?
  19. Is there a BIOS for 1070 Strix too?
  20. Willkommen im Club, Heinrich Schönes Speichersetting
  21. If there's say 20 tied scores for top spot for something like XTU non-k Sky, why not award everyone the median of these ranks? So everyone is awarded points corresponding to 10th place. Race to first sounds dumb, all you have to do is buy locked processor on release day and strap it on your OCF of choice, click button and wait for lucky run
  22. I'll try to rephrase for more clarity: GTX 1060 is directly lined up against RX480, however AMD card is not allowed for this division while Nvidia card is. Yet you keep talking about 1070 and 970, neither card matters here.
  23. Wow, great chip Stefan! Can't wait for your 4/8 rerun
  24. rx 480 was never meant to compete with gtx 1070, makes total sense it does have to here
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