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spit051261 last won the day on February 3

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  1. How do you change your profile picture so you don't look like one the Matrix Agents with a question mark on his head ? I have tried doing it through profile - upload picture which I use here .
  2. Hey Daryl A few have mentioned it . See comments a few before yours 🙂
  3. How do you put comments up ? Tried this which seemed to make sense but it won't post .
  4. Have to be fair , I would like to go back to the old format. I know you are doing your best guys but this looks like a mega project . Hope I don't get into trouble but I just don't like the new GUI .
  5. How do you put a " like " up for a score ? Tried hitting the like button on main page and nothing . Must be a way because there are other likes .
  6. Front page is looking better , thanks guys . Still have a problem with opening screenshots for scores and hardware pictures. The only way to get them to open is keep clicking on them until they open but the size is too small to see details, especially CPUZ , GPUZ . Before we could open in new tab and magnify .
  7. The page is too bright compared to the font . Looks weird . I am sure it looked better before. Make the font darker ? Make the back screen not as bright or slightly blue ? It's too white and I don't think it looked like this before .
  8. It's a pain looking at screen shots from benchmarks. Before , I just opened it in a new tab and could magnify. Doesn't seem to work now . Lets go back to the old one until this is sorted. It just does not look good Alby 🙂 I thought the layout before was pretty good.
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