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spit051261 last won the day on February 3 2024

spit051261 had the most liked content!


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  1. Nice score. I bet you wore those in Bali 😀 It's our second home after Thailand and Vietnam
  2. Looks like the new AI GPU's ( 50 series) are here and scoring lots of points . Oh well. All part of the new GUI I imagine 🙂
  3. Looks like a very nice chip bro , good luck my friend .
  4. Thank you safedisk. You are the best 🙂
  5. Out of curiosity , what is the MC value Rauf ? Other SP values seem a tad low . Expensive CPU .
  6. Hey guys Can someone re post the link for White Apex BCLK BIOS please ? Trying 12100. Previous links seem to have died . Thanks 🙂
  7. spit051261

    Team Change

    Don't think you have to announce it here. Just change teams on BOT and job done. Maybe next time just send a PM to Alby or Don asking.
  8. Unless they get their own benchmarks , I would have thought there is no way they should be allowed to compete with older GPU's which use old technology (by older I mean everything else )? Just curious about the whole 5000 series and it's future regarding OC.
  9. How will OC go when we have the series of Nvidia 5000 GPU's that use AI to preempt the graphics ?
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