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Everything posted by stummerwinter

  1. Strong score, impressive memory! Need some more ponits to catch up...
  2. don't know...I'm tired of burning money binning cpu's...anywhy, thanx!
  3. Asking me the same querstion...value "jumps" from 5,0 to 5,1 and back during benchmark...
  4. I did submit this score (http://hwbot.org/submission/2607714_stummerwinter_xtu_core_i7_4790k_1301_marks) but not shown in the competition, used the competition page to submit... I'm too stupid? PiFast worked...
  5. Was great to see the old man sniffing LN2...
  6. Congrats to Australia! :celebration:
  7. Thanx to GIGABYTE and Roman for the event, thanx to Leeghoofd for the pics! :celebration:
  8. First I thought, you are talking about me, but then I read the 5000 $ +...So it can't be me! Officially: I got this year 3 MoBos (for free) and 2 ARES (for testings) from ASUS... Ok, coming back to topic... Why don't you throw in my name? It is obvious you are talking about me... I personally did this step exactly to start this discussion AND show, the system hwbot is going from my point of view in the wrong direction... I can also complain about from my point of view real PRO-OCers? Do I so? No... I'm still only complain about hwbot getting to difficult, nobody understand the different categroies, leagues and everything... Another aspect: If my name is written in the ranking, it is good for our team, and that is the only thing that counts...:ws:
  9. Thanx to all of you! Cards on LN2 not needed, limited by CPU... Next stop: HASWELL (hopefully)
  10. Thank you, it's fun benching again after long time, especially with this CPU...
  11. yes my friend...:celebration: some here, more to come: http://www.awardfabrik.de/forum/showthread.php?t=10056 more tomorrow, need sleep...
  12. Also back, some pics later to come... Just this one, for team cup: Benchbrothers benching full out dual cup...
  13. nice one, maybe not that much weight, but should be very effectiv! :ws:
  14. For shure! The session was planned for AF team only first, only few old friends are invited as special guests...This session is not a overall german session, sry... @Sam: possible, are you in Germany?
  15. [benchsession] AF hwbot Team Session @ the 13th and 14th of April First thanx to the Sponsors ASUS and ENERMAX! Also spezial thanx to Zero_Cool for helping us! Bencher: stummerwinter SoF @rne Zero_cool u22 fuzz3l natu Don_Dan - XS sda2 der8auer - PCGH crazzzy85 - PCGH musicismylife masterchorch hoschi Lübke Plaganos chriFFer Strunkenbold F3IIX BenchBros - Hardwareluxx Visitors: --> N1KK3l <-- SeLecT Chrisch Contest: we will have a little contest, details on session Here some impressions with the guys from LDK from 2011: http://www.awardfabrik.de/forum/showthread.php?t=9202 SoF put already his gear together:
  16. nice...thanx for sharing! Great scores!
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