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Everything posted by stummerwinter

  1. You should go to bed...
  2. Our reviews are online: http://www.awardfabrik.de/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=4
  3. Both my friend, both... [X] Vote for hwbot 40+ league...
  4. Damn... Petri destroyed me.... Was great to meet you all! Here some pics: More here: pics@AF
  5. tickets booked... I'll be there from 07th ~ 9th... @MM+@rne: like Arnes new titel...
  6. Petri, I'll try to switch, going by train, need a connection... We be definitly great to have a beer with you and talk and beat up MM and M.Beier!
  7. Hi bros! Try to come, looking for 6th to 8th... Would be great to meet you... @HiWa: Party? @Petri: sad you arrive at 8th... Would like to see you... Maybe should try to come from 7th to 9th...
  8. Great job, like this... Scores? How did you edit BIOS?
  9. Also not shure to be there... @MM: are you there the whole time?
  10. Ok for me if you share your CPU with me... Kidding... Seems ok for me, great score, can't hit this even with 6 GHz SB and MATRIX...
  11. Thanx for sharing thew BIOS! Nice start, now do some cold action...
  12. Great, but think, the result is not crrect...
  13. Nice start, 3D11 looks not too strong, did you use any tweaks there?
  14. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
  15. @Mehdi: 3D11 1.01 - was discussed, give higher PX, and is allowed...
  16. 3DV planned... Could do only one run 3D11, had problems with condensation...
  17. Mem of this card is not strong enough...had 1525/1350 in UH with 2630...
  18. @All: thanx! @Hondaycity: no, full pot is to much, because off danger that thermal paste breaks... @Smoke: no, my own design, saddly to expensive to manufacture, need a wire EDM machine Have a 100 mm wide (~ 2,5 kg) und 80 mm wide (~ 2,0 kg) version, the big is a little tricky with the MATRIX, because very close to power management, but works somehow, used it this time for 03, normally prefer for 03 and 11 the slim one... 100 mm: 80 mm: 100 mm and 80 mm @1700: if I can solve the problem with thermal paste, this card has the potential...
  19. As Massman requested few days ago I will show here, how I prepare a MATRIX for LN2... First I use an organic rubber to isolate the PCB. This material is easy to release from the VGA, much easier compared to ARMAFLEX... In the next step I heat up the container to arround 50°C for easy application of the GOX, normaly to stripes like shown... ...and then equal out the paste: For backplate I use a 6 mm hard platic coverd with two layers of 3 mm ARMAFLEX: Fixed with springs, needs some space, but works, add some plasticine to isolate: Board is isolated with ARMAFLEX: In addition I add a CORASIR mouse pad (any will work, seems to bee out of neoprene): Everything together: After 3 h beniching @ -175°C, no issues this time, but no better score, this card could do only 1525/1350 UH: In addition: - use the hack-fw to adjust voltages to 1,5 V - hack 8 works normally fine - swith 2D-mode off, eg with GPU-tweakit - adjust voltages with NVinspector to 1,6 V or higher in combination with buttons - use no-cold-slow bios - bench Some cards need to heat up to -120°C to boot into OS, in this case a strong hair dryer or something similar helps... Have fun...
  20. Congrats! Beeing in front of Massman is not possible, he even exceed Chuck Norris...
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