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Everything posted by JunkDogg

  1. Great run mate. Still no 53 though. hahaha. I see I shall have to come down on the weekend and give you some incentive to get a 53 together. I'll bring a cattle prod, that should be enough incentive. LOL. Seriously though mate. You are pushing it to the next level here.
  2. About a 1000 for FS. Roughly 500 for FSE. LOL.
  3. Hahahaha keyboard Rambo. Did you read your OP?
  4. tl;dr. You lost interest at 'Good People'. At least this will put you in line to win a gold star sticker. Now quit your whinging and get to overclocking, we want real results not stock crap.
  5. I have no idea what you are talking about. I only have a 'couple' of sets.
  6. 150USD + shipping?
  7. Holy crappo mate, that's quick. Good luck once you get the refill. I'm still stuck in 17.8's.
  8. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?p=375407#post375407 Think this belongs in here.
  9. Find any screens of 1360-1370 8-12-8 twcl6?? 300USD is a lot of money for these and would really need proof of said timings to justify cost. For any AU guys looking this works out to be $430AUD. For reference. GLWS.
  10. Check Bull's runs on our effiency thread mate. That should show you where to 'lock' your RTL's in for ambient and cold. Shame the IMC on that chip.
  11. Wow, the stipulations for getting this is by far the stupidiest thing ive read on these forums. Thought benching was meant to be encouraged here, not restricted. Why would i bother benching sub zero if i couldnt increase volts, pointless exercise really and just a waste of ln2. Fairly certain im old enough to decide whether or not i want to overvolt my gpu, cpu or memory.
  12. Please reply to PM.
  13. Little update, still more to work on yet. Waza wasn't the best and ran out of LN2 on this run. http://hwbot.org/submission/2810577_
  14. Thanks mate. I only moved house about 2 months ago and now Bullant is only about 30 minutes down the road, so taking advantage and learning from him.
  15. Packed up some of my gear this morning and went and spent the day with the Australian memory master Bullant. With his guidance and patience I've learnt soo much for one day. Got this little result to start off with too. http://hwbot.org/submission/2804895_junkdogg_superpi___32m_core_i7_4790k_7min_56sec_266ms?recalculate=true Thanks Bull, will have to bring down some beers next time.
  16. Damn, AU exchange rate makes this terrible. LOL
  17. Have sent PM. Please respond.
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