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Everything posted by JunkDogg

  1. Same as GPU thread. Is the realbench stage still open or not? It says 30th September up top but is stating closed down lower and all sorts of errors for time remaining. I want to run this this weekend as well and don't know whether to bother now.
  2. So is the Kabini stage still open? IT says 30th September up top but says no time left next to it and further down it says closed and no time left. I was going to run this on the weekend but looks like it might be to late.
  3. That would appear to be my problem. Thought that by going through HWBOT I would be logged in automatically. Well it appears this is no longer a problem. Maybe a auto login when going from hwbot to oc esports maybe though?
  4. Is it possible to actually use the Overview tab on each of the OC eSports Competitions as an 'actual' overview? For instance maybe putting in the specific benchmarks for all 5 stages in the overview. Only a suggestion, but geez it would make navigating between Divisions a lot easier. 7 pages to look at instead of 35.
  5. I hope so as mine is over. Don't make me re-run this again. hahahaha.
  6. Well technically if it did work and now doesn't, it is "broken". As the dictionary says "Not functioning, not in order" under broken. :lol:
  7. That poor Phenom is all confused and has no idea how many threads it has. :lol:
  8. Once again this CPU is just amazeballs. Well done mate.
  9. Anyone come across this before and can steer me in the right direction?
  10. Got it to at least recognise the GPU's but still nothing.
  11. Nah nothing there, had another look. Tried installing SDK separately, tried rolling back to 12.1 and 12.4 with older OpenCL in it. Nothing. A quick google search has revealed quite a few "miners" who had the same problem trying to mine with these cards. Maybe they just aren't OpenCL compatible? Will keep searching around and see if there is a fix somewhere buried deep in the interwebs.
  12. WARNING - Full GPU noob. So I've tried clocking on the OpenCL check box in GPU-Z and looked all through Catalyst Control Center for a box to check or turn on and can't find it. Is it hiding somewhere else?
  13. Have I missed something it's not picking up the GPU's in the benchmark.
  14. This is possibly the most confusing post I've ever read. Please do not now sit there and pretend to be the victim, you came out and pretty much called everyone using the current version of CPU-Z cheats. Now you are back pedaling. There is no current fix for this(if it really is a bug,as it can't be proven until new version is made) so until then there is really no point to complaining about it mate. Once the new version is here and the bug can be verified, it's a few peoples word against other people's word. I honestly would be suprised if we see it before the end of TC, then what delete every submission in the comp that has used the old version? There will be anarchy.
  15. I know exactly what you are talking about. How could I not, you've cried about it in 4 different threads now. So just get on with it and stop whinging because you can't replicate what others are doing. There is no new CPU-Z yet, so there is no point to your constant complaining.
  16. Stuff it, while we are going that path just ban everyone then no one can use the current version of cpu-z.
  17. I agree every submission ever made to hwbot should be deleted until the new cpu-z is out.
  18. Just get rid of points all together. I'm sick to death of hearing about points. Just do the rankings per benchmark, per class. Simple and no more bunnyextraction over some imaginary point system that means bunny all in the grand scheme of things.
  19. Ok who has some sitting there drawer not being used anymore??? Let me know if you do, would love to have set for future use.
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