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Everything posted by JunkDogg

  1. All done and dusted. Please close.
  2. Another idea might to be have stages set by year of manufacture. Example; Stage 1 - 32m - Only CPU and Motherboard manufactured/released in 2005. Stage 2 - 3Dmark01 - only cpu, motherboard and gpu released in 2001. etc, etc
  3. Quick and dirty. Lol Cant wait to see what comes out of a serious session then.
  4. I'll think about anything @ 6.5 and above for the right price.
  5. Help pwease!!!
  6. Got any decent oc results for both PSC. Interested in both but for the price they would want to be good.
  7. Wow!!!! We should ban everyone from HWBOT!!!!! I'm calling for the pitchforks and burning torches.
  8. If you go to chalkenger division from HWBOT you get there. Then go to another. Click pro oc at top, then pick challenger drop down and select division. Division comes up with red spot to click for more information, then grt 404 error for division information. You have to go back to hwbot to pick the challenger you want to look at. Hope that makes sense.
  9. Please add motherboard. Gigabyte F2A88X-UP4. Didn't come up for me yesterday.
  10. Still looking.
  11. PM sent.
  12. Thanks mate, but i really want something proven to do 7gig on ln2.
  13. Bueler.
  14. Ill take the pi's with shipping to australia. Please send mayment details for paypal.
  15. Help me pwease.
  16. http://forums.tweaktown.com/gigabyte/28441-gigabyte-latest-beta-bios.html Everything you will ever need is over here, just need to look around on there abit.
  17. Still looking. Hoping one person will get back to me one day. Anyone else got one they may be thinking of getting rid of?
  18. Yeah just for benching. Just got to sort through a heap of different sets then on sell the worst for others to use in gaming machines etc. EDIT - Thanks for your help mate. Much appreciated.
  19. Anything in particular for testing stability?
  20. Good info in this thread as ive just got 6 sets of hypers as well. Which platform is best for testing these to those timings? Ive been through and tested them all to 7-7-6 2133(1066) on 1155. Would i be better off using 1150 or something else. I know 1156 or 1366 would be the best to test on but i dont have either. So with those two eliminated what would you guys test on? I have a heap other AMD socket s available as well.
  21. Never mind.
  22. Look down the bottom, it's sold.
  23. Still looking.
  24. Bit of a long shot. Im after a 7ghz or over 2d 3770k. Pm me if you have something youre willing to get rid of.
  25. When you pack to move house and there are more packing boxes full of PC parts than the rest of the house.
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