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Everything posted by lanbonden

  1. Thats a pretty early score I posted just to push some guys to post some scores so dont remember exactly what I had done with it. Highest performance optimizations in ati tray tools gave some more then just moving sliders to performance in drivers, but I would guess most of the differens is from changing the memory timings of the GPU, that gave both higher score at a given clock and allowed higher OC of the memory for me so win win.
  2. Sounds about right, I scored ~8.1k with same settings with 7.12 omega driver (gained about 300 points from software tweaking only) so some impresive tweaking in this score for sure.
  3. Maybe the total lack of chipset drivers that kills the performance, you sure got us going with that screenshoot atleast. Im sure that got more then a few of us to try 98 on a newer system than we though possible.
  4. Agreed, thanks for a nice run. The last 2 hours after I uploaded my ressults sure was exciting too see what everyone else got stored away
  5. Wow, the efficency of this score is just amazing. I tried 10.2 but just with stock settings to compare drivers and never looked at it again, guess that was wrong
  6. Ohh, almost though that we wouldnt get to see a 1500+ as they are a tad hard to get, now push that baby!
  7. These x850xt cards sure dont like voltage, I just killed my third card with less then 1.8V to the core
  8. Nice chip there! But I cant stop wondering what that glass on the CPU is for?
  9. Great score Rauf, wonder if there is more sandbags hiding
  10. Ive seen rumors of people saying that GF8 maybe working but no proofs of it actually runing or even someone saying that they got it running. Talking about x1950 Mr. Horse is the first person that Ive seen saying that he got it runing, others is the same as with GF8 that it should be possible with the right modded drivers. When it comes to CPUs and motherboards, 775 is the newest Ive seen people run for sure, maybe some AM3 motherboard aswell but not sure?
  11. Short story, I bought a Epox EP-8HEAI rocking the VIA VIA K8T890 chipset (http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/ep-8heai/) as that was the one choise I could find to buy that gave access to PCIe with socket 754. Im runing the card with a 512MB stick of BH5 memory and a 3200+ Venice and it boots just fine. The problem is that I get horrible performance out of it and its not just a few % worse then a NF3/NF4 motherboard. With stock clock (2200MHz) do I get around ~40sec in SuperPi 1M with my Lanparty NF3 250g but 1min 35sec with the Epox card. I also take a huge performance hit in 3dmark05 due to low CPU performance. Its runing on a clean OS with only GPU drivers (7.12 omega), the chipset drivers (Via_4in1), Rivatuner, 3dmark05 and GPUz/CPUz installed. There must be something obvious that I miss becouse @heifiach got atleast decent performance out of the board according to the HWbot subs. So any tips on what could be wrong?
  12. I can only agree that giving support for cards shouldnt be seen as against the rules and more like a good thing as this round is all about maxing out win98. If someone manages to get a 6700k and a 980ti runing in win98, all the creds to that guy
  13. Yes, all cards in the x800 series are allowed, if its part of this list its allowed http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocards#key=ati_radeon_x800_series
  14. Compared some with my scores of lower frequency and must say that your score is pretty efficient based on the low fsb you run. Would be really great to see some 250fsb with 2:3 memory divider
  15. Love this adapter madness Really impressive work to pull this off. Did you manage to get the multi unlocked in your bios aswell or do you think its possible?
  16. 479 on a 775 motherboard, thats just adapter madness
  17. I must say that Im really looking forward to hear the response about this stage
  18. I never tried without the mods on the cascade so must say that I dont know if it made any differense. Atleast the Vcca mod didnt make any differense for me as something wont allow more then 225fsb no mater what I try.
  19. The other is a "Vchip mod", probably useless for me as I dont have the other mods done due to lacking components from not starting in time like always. Damn I wish I had a decent motherboard so I could run higher fsb then 225! Can read more about if from Hipro5s guide at: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?82191-The-ULTIMATE-ASUS-CT-479-Adapter-Modifications-You-want-MORE-GET-IT&p=1386370&viewfull=1#post1386370
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