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Everything posted by Noxinite

  1. TLDR please don't buy from this seller until I have recieved a refund.
  2. TLDR please don't buy from this seller until I have recieved a refund.
  3. Hello all I have some bad news to share with you. TLDR please don't buy/sell/trade with @Ziken until I have managed to get my money back from him. I bought a binned 8700K from @Ziken a few months back to go in my Z170 motherboard. I recieved the CPU and not having a way to test it immediately, I proceed to perform the mod for 1151-1 comptability. The CPU never reached the start of the POST codes in my testing - two motherboards failed to detect there was a CPU present. Given that the modding process worked perfectly fine with a similar CPU (G5400) I can only assume that the 8700K died during transit. I made this clear to Ziken and he offered to refund me when the delivery company refunded him - I agreed to this at the time as I thought it would be relatively quick as they were clearly at fault. Apparently not... So here I am 3 months later with a dead CPU, 500 euros out of pocket and a seller who seems to willfully ignore my PMs while selling more hardware on the marketplace. At no point has he offered to refund me himself and because I have no leverage over him he can't seemed to be bothered with chasing the delivery company. Obviously I made a mistake in not paying with a medium that offered payment protection and Ziken seems to have taken full advantage of this, and so I have decided to make this thread in an attempt to warn other people that he is not to be trusted. @Ziken I would like my money back in full and then I will happily return the CPU to you. Appendices: Here is a timeline of events: The parcel was packed suitably by the sender and sent on 06/Feburary/2019. The parcel was transported in France via Mondial Relay (tracking: 39954527). The parcel was transported in the UK via Hermes (tracking: 1675577398066093). The parcel was delivered on 13/Feburary/2019. The buyerwas not at home. The Hermes driver signed for the parcel themselves and threw the parcel over a fence into the recipients back garden. When the recipient returned home they found the parcel damaged heavily in two places. The item was tested on 16/Feburary/2019 and found to be faulty. The seller was informed. The item was further inspected on 17/Feburary/2019 to find their was physical damage to the item. Namely a crack that render the item inoperatable. The seller contacted Mondial Relay on 19/Feburary/2019. The seller recieved a reply from Mondial Relay on 25/Feburary/2019 stating that they were not responsible. The buyer contacted the UK delivery company who stated that the delivery was "not acceptable" and that the dispute solely rested between the seller and Mondial Relay (04/March/2019). The seller says that they have emailed Mondial Relay again on 10/March/2019 (no evidence). The seller says that they will call on 27/March/2019 (no evidence). The seller says that they will call on 24/April/2019 (no evidence). G5400 modded and working fine as of 27/April/2019. And here is my account of the testing I did on the CPU: When I received it I noted the damage to the sides of the parcel, how it had been thrown over the gate and not signed for correctly. As I picked up the parcel I noted that I could feel movement inside the parcel (the CPU could still slide around). I opened up the package and inspected the CPU – I saw it had a scratch across the die, but I assumed it was harmless. The motherboard I tested it in was a Z170X SOC Force LN2 that had been tested and was working for Coffeelake CPUs. To prepare the CPU I masked off all of the pins that were different between the 1151-1 and 1151-2 sockets. Then I applied silver ink to the SKT_OCC and GROUND pads that are required for any Coffeelake mod. The motherboard turned on, but displayed nothing on the POST display. This suggested that the motherboard was not detecting a CPU in the socket. I assumed this was down to the silver ink having too high a resistance to short the two pads, so I preceded to mask off around the SKT_OCC and GROUND pads and solder them together. Once again the motherboard turned on, but displayed nothing on the POST display. To test whether the motherboard was at fault I removed the solder from the pads and bought an MSI H310M PRO-VDH to test in. The MSI H310M PRO-VDH was tested to be working and that it had the newest bios in. When the 8700K was placed in the motherboard it immediately got stuck at the CPU error LED. Again this suggests that the motherboard was not detecting a CPU in the socket. At this point I rechecked the CPU and noticed the “scratch” a second time, on closer inspection and in comparison to the dies of other delidded CPUs I own I realised the “scratch” was actual a crack. If there is a crack in the die of the CPU it is reasonable to assume that this would damage the CPU to a point where motherboards don’t detect it. Exactly the same process was repeated for a G5400 (same stepping/PCB) and it works flawlessly in my motherboard - no instant death - so the 8700K must have been damaged during transit. Noxinite.
  4. Bump.
  5. Bump.
  6. Updated and cleaned up the OP a bit. 1GB G-die removed and two higher binned E2140 added. E2140 L722A970 - with lapping, delid and liquid metal it does 3850MHz R15 @1.45V on water. FSB scales with cold, but core doesn't seem to. I should have a screenshot of that, as I only tested delidding it a month or so ago.
  7. Updated OP.
  8. Bump. Reject hypers pending.
  9. Bump.
  10. I had some progress testing alternative IMC voltages, but in the end I just stuck with the typical volts: SA = +0.350 to +0.450V. IOA = +0.150V. IOD = +0.200V. PSC needs totally different IMC volts to max them out (at low CPU freq) IMO, aka "Bullant" IMC volts.
  11. Not a bad propsal, minus the parts on monitoring and being forced to include rig pics.
  12. Bump. 7700K, 2GB g-die, Tpower and Commando all sold and shipped.
  13. I tried hypers on SS ages back, did 2000 6-6-4 @2V in 32M on Z97. Those sticks were ~1.66V 2000C7 I think.
  14. Tbh it is a good score, only thing missing is some hard mods and GPU on water. :D
  15. Bump. 2GB G-die sticks all sold, and the 7700K is pending.
  16. They stopped at 2500C8 on ambient. Only seemed to scale a bit with cold to 2666C8 on phase. But I have little experience with BBSE/BDBG.
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