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Everything posted by Noxinite

  1. Stable at those settings? Nice regardless though.
  2. I had to pull out my 1GB sticks to see if I could beat 3600MHz. ? Seems I could. https://hwbot.org/submission/4173147 I think it's still IMC limited as I get freezes at higher. No voltage scaling for freq over 1.8V it seems.
  3. Oh, I always put switches and trimmers on my mods so I can go back to stock easy.
  4. Maybe I'm impatient, but I found swapping sticks out while benching really annoying. Also, you can't really do that if you have an Ln2 pot or SS on the ram sticks.
  5. Bump. Are people wanting more proof of fsb/core for the binned chips?
  6. I thought I would put this here in case anyone is interested in competing. https://www.overclock.net/forum/410-benchmarking-competitions/1727104-freezer-burn-2019-round-2-gtx-400-a.html
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  7. I meant I couldn't be bothered to look it up when submitting the scores. Lazzzzzy benching. It is awful to bench with even though it did good FSB. https://hwbot.org/submission/4169833
  8. Those REXs are finally getting shown off, nice work!
  9. Not sure if this has been asked yet, but CPU and mem are not temp limited correct?
  10. Couldn't remember the exact model. Also, I did Vcore, VTT, NB, Vmem and cap mods for this board - and most of them were uneeded.
  11. Only the second time I've seen SuperPi bug out. The first time was it doing 20 loops for 1M the other week.
  12. Can't remember, but CFR clock worse on air then better on LN2 (than MFR).
  13. ?I got D5,13 and then full POST on all working boards. I tested dead mems in working board and got D4 or lots of postcodes switching fast.
  14. I checked after I posted. It was VTT and I soldered it to one of the other VTT pins, but no change in the behaviour. Edit: it seems D4 postcode is dead ram.
  15. I figured I should add some testing I was doing today. I have 4 REXs, but 2 have been dead for a while. >>Board "A": >Powers on and hangs forever. >PCI post card gives D5 and then 0E errors. >D5 is normal start of postcode cycle (so I assume no hardware damage). >0E is no microcode detected. >Tried switching BIOS chips in from other boards still gives D5, 0E. >No BIOS chip installed = instant 00 and hang. >"BIOS_flashback" jumper on bottom of board in the far left position gives D0 post code and then shut down. I had this error with one of the BIOS chips before reseating it and now with the jumper in the second and third positions it reaches D5, 0E. >Out of the four BIOS chips I tested one gave 00 and hang (so maybe that BIOS chip is dead?). >>Board "B": >Powers on and shuts down immediately. >One missing pin in the bottom left of the socket. >POST codes are 00, 98 then shutdown. >Either not detecting CPU in socket (due to the socket damage), or some issue with the SB maybe? As 98 is "Console input devices connect". Not sure what to test next.
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