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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. I was just in the process of posting this, haha. Took me 2 years to find a nice one, but new old stock to me is worth every penny unless you know for sure used has good fsb and your not just buying someones problems. On ebay if they even come up new ones are $399 plus shipping. I got lucky and bought from a trustworthy friend for $275 and he bought it long time ago on ebay for $379 for his collection. This is the one board (besides my main Z97/170m OC Formula) that I probably wouldnt part with, sure everything has a price but to me this board is 2 years hard work. And I have some rare ones, including Z97/170 SOC Force ln2 boards
  2. Sick B die, but can't you get rtl's down to 50/51/6/6 or 50/51/7/7 ? On MOCF I can train rtl's at 50/50/7/6 4133c12-11 and if I raise bclk in OS 49/50/6/6 is possible
  3. Nice GTX 970, here I thout my dead G1 was king. Turns out it wasn't. Any hard mods other than shunt mod ?
  4. Same here, spent 2 hours looking for and budgeting a gtx 980. I didn't really want anyways, sure glad I decided to sleep on it. Thing about Divisions I was led to believe to believe from day 1 this is how it worked tho some cards made this challenging. Div. 1 / Div. 2 / Div. 3 GTX 760 / GTX 770 / GTX 780 R7-9 270 / 280 / 290 With ti and X included so 780 can be ti, GTX 960 / GTX 970 / GTX 980
  5. First tests with new ASR ES NS·bin cpu Motherboard: ASRock M·OCF bios 7.21B CPU: Delidded w/ T.Grizz top and bottom Batch: L631F623 (ES) Cooling: AIO (no fan) next to window. >3-4C lower than ambient room temps Load Level 1 (highest LLC) VID: 1.200v 50/45 1.152v (CPU·Z) 1.155v (AFD) one run stable 50/45 1.168v (CPU·Z) 1.170v (AFD) multi run stable 52/45 1.280v stable didn't try lower 52/50 1.296v (CPU·Z) 1.300v (AFD) 53/45 1.328v (CPU·Z) 1.335v (AFD) >1.325v (AFD) passed one run >1.310v (AFD) threw common CBR15 error code window, more than half finished. > Screenshot still on that rig, quit here. Will add to Imgur Album later Kaby L631F623 (es) R15 bin - Album on Imgur TO DO: ADD VID - DONE
  6. Hey Debox, your score should be 1536. You can edit in top ight corner of page
  7. Slowly tightening the slack, better watch out y'all. Awesome job, XTU load is no joke.
  8. I think he's using the more sofisticated version for Mac Hipsters called CMY and K Either way strong chip and strong board
  9. Loving the battle for king of CBR15, good work bro !
  10. AIR Cooling XTU at 5.2g, never thought I'd live to see this. Nice cpu !
  11. OK that's enough testing for you, it's my turn.
  12. Found one place to buy in US, has free shipping too https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA5FY56T0002
  13. This is SuperPi 1m adiirfan01, you can edit this sub top right corner
  14. RTL's didn't train right either, showing 52/51/9/7, so take away 2 from the first dimm and it shows they wanted to be 50/51/7/7 or maybe even 49/50/6/6 possible
  15. Smokin', but no delid wow. I wouldn't be trying this unless using my SS.
  16. Impressive, must have taken a lot of energy. props to you my friend !
  17. Sure have, but for me its been a bit harder to train/find proper volt combinations for stability (vccio, vccsa and vttddr?). The biggest issue Ive seen is rtl's not training or only able to run looser. I've tried going between SKL/Kaby a few minutes apart with same b die and on SKL trained and was stable 4133c12-11 50/50/7/6 & 50/51/6/6 swapped to 7700k and would only train 58/51/15/7 and could only set 50/51/7/7 manually or no boot. Best method I've found to work for me was train at 4000 with dram volts far higher than needed (my kit does 4133c12-11-240-50-51-6-6 1.885-1.895v bios, waza stable), so I'll set like 1.970v bios then 4000 will train 49/50/6/6. Boot to OS, lower volts and bclk up to 4133 and have 49/50/6/6 rtl's. Never tried 32m tho, but gb3, maxxmem and xtu were stable
  18. The only MSI board I have used that was good for 2600+ c8 was the Z97 XPower with the newest bios. I'm sure MPower could as well but I've never owned one myself. For your setup I'd stick to trying 2400c7 11-7-28 tcwl=6/7
  19. Non k OC is locked on Z97 (Haswell/Devils Canyon). You are limited to the minor bclk oc that you've already found. If you are looking for points XTU is best/only real option with 4590 EDIT: This should not be in this forum, Elmors lab is for EVC/EVC software support, hard mods and complex Asus OC concerns. Mods feel free to move to Haswell/Devils Canyon OC thread
  20. Testing cpu mount and mem pot / heatspreaders Aluminium holdown and mem pot- BartX Mem pot thanks to BigBlock990 Single Stage Phase change- Ron (runmc) from Under the Ice Test Bench by JohnDoe Board coating- Plastidip spray "Smoke"- by me ALBUM Z97 SOC Force LN2 - BartX cpu mount + mem pot - Album on Imgur
  21. If you have not purchased hardware yet I suggest Z170/270 platform mobo, an unlocked processor- i3 7350k/i5 7600k/i7 7700k, a gtx 1060/70/80 or AMD RX 460/70/80 gpu, 2 x 8gb 3200c14-14-14 or higher single rank (sided) DDR4 ram, a Gold or platinum 850+ watt psu and a decent all-in-one watercooler such as NZXT X62, EK Predator, Swiftech H-240x etc If you already have a rig, join an overclocking forum and spend time reading guides and topics that interest you like cpu, gpu or ram OC. No idea what you are trying to overclock makes it far too difficult to send you somewhere specific but heres a start Skylake Overclocking Guide [With Statistics] Home - Overclocking.Guide https://www.reddit.com/r/overclocking/wiki/index
  22. This run very ineffecient, had no intentions of benching anything other than SuperPi but after setting up OS and pouring down to fullpot realized 3 of 3 ver. Formula Drive were without text, and wPrime/PiFast wouldn't run. I've used same OS before and never had issues, need to re-run with new remove cpu pot mid bench cb tweak anyways
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