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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. Nice work, love the wallpaper saw it yesterday on XTU efficiency thread. Thx Acid for shedding some light on this
  2. The new board appears to be working well, better for gpu than the last with mems being a little tougher. I'd say it's a good fit for what you do, Front Page FTW !
  3. I like looking at this screenie, the clean pi time and timings only a 2 dimmer can do are calming.
  4. WOW, the two boards I've been waiting for the most and really the only reason I've been buying/binning DDR4 ram and having an interest in Skylake. Gotta love how Intel pushed Overclocking upon release, that we have non K overclocking and motherboard manufacturers care ONLY about Gamers. I mean come on, you have Dino's and Nick basically the faces of OC for GIGA/AsRock saying these boards will be made. These two have made a lot of money for each brand, and now there reputations take a hit because they were led to believe the boards would be released. SAD day for overclocking in my mind
  5. http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=429147&postcount=9 Looks like Zero still has his FS
  6. 2.03 was the one I linked you to yesterday, I'm guessing 2.1 is an official release on website and no different than one we recently tested
  7. Sure hope it's nothing serious, I've had all kinds of weird bunnyextraction happening especially trying to run 1T and even more so testing 4 x 8gb B die. I'm wondering when I get a 1t capable board if I'll need to up my v dimm a lot from 1t, hope not but I have decent headroom, was able to run 8m at 4000c12 at 1.72v, 4080 takes around 1.8 for this and 4133c12 I am still working on rtl's volts stability etc.
  8. The first day having B die had best results for me, able to run 3900+ 1T. After bios updates it has been downhill for me as well. Kinda worried SA Volts are killing my imc or something. Running chilled water on cpu and lin at -20 to -50C don't seem to help. Gonna use this time to go back and learn older platforms since I'm such a noob. Blackops X48 with about a dozen of different cpu's prepped and ready for the deep freeze. No need for ambient testing other than optimized defaults to see if it even works and boots XP. No better way to learn quickly than doing so at sub zero temps
  9. Hey try this bios while your at it, Im lazy. http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?292331-***Official-ASRock-z170-OC-Formula-Finger-Pop-OC-Bonanza-UKNOWDAT-Edition-FTW-ETC***&p=5269726&viewfull=1#post5269726
  10. Very strong run, you'd think this would take top spot but Dan's cpu is from another world
  11. No wooing has been seen
  12. http://www.overclock.net/t/1490835/the-gigabyte-z97x-overclocking-guide/220#post_24097443
  13. I need a couple of sets as well, aluminum is fine unless someone has a strong argument for copper. Any idea on price per set?
  14. Nice prep work on the board, why the dots of is silicone or ? on top of the inductors/chokes. I am in the process of doing my favorite boards and want to do it right. Here is my "LN2" masked and ready for Dip unless you suggest changes
  15. Good question, that pic is from July 4th and I am not positive on this. But the only reason I ever touch that is for maximizing bclk oc
  16. I bought 6 sticks of psc Trident 2000c9 from a gamer and all of them do 32m at 2700 under 1.9v and can boot win 7 on air at 2800. Guess I'm lucky
  17. Not sure if shipping makes it economical but I have a new Z97X-SOC-Force (open box to update bios to X04 and confirm psc works at 2666c8 wcl6 tight), a new Z97 OC Formula (open box only to test that it's not doa), new Z97 X-Power (unopened box, willing to open to test if serious) and Impact VI but used in my daily rather not sell
  18. Who is this guy a magician, yes I linked him to 1600c7 1040 kit like these but have 1017 date as opposed to 1006 your last set had
  19. Oooo show some 2933c6, 2666c8 at 1.8v is pretty darn good, think you can drop tRFC to 88. That would be impressive!
  20. Not bad, but SA volts + 0.450 whoa
  21. I was lucky to find a new SOC Force LN2 board on Ebay for retail price but $35 shipping (outside of US) and the seller was TopDog. Also having stupid code 20 issues at times with certain dimms, was extremely frustrating trying to figure out for a noob like me but still happy being able to buy an unused and unabused board like this. Still working on getting used to Giga bios...classic obviously. Will post some 32m results soon in the other thread
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