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Everything posted by M.Beier

  1. M.Beier

    Computex 2019

    Oh never sweating carrying all the gear... Meh smth Was nice attending Computex, and gotta hand it over to Galax, appreciate Mads gesture, always feel welcome, even having been retired for years. Great show, and the coverage went smooth, only had to skip Seasonic, phanteks & Steelseries.
  2. M.Beier

    Computex 2019

    No, since Kyosen, macci & oppainter retired^^
  3. M.Beier

    Computex 2019

    Going to be there 27th-2nd - and again 28th June 13 July. Got Technikspr and Tweaktown (I think?), but seems odd that ASUS has anniversary but no party?? Atleast we (4 media) didnt get the invitation yet. Giga, Galax and Corsair, also no invitation yet - though I probably will have to skip Galax, as its media. .... Wait, it isnt a new UK thing? First barking over boothbabes, next the parties?
  4. M.Beier

    Computex 2019

    Not sure if Forum is all dead, but giving it a shot! Who is heading for Computex this year? Oh and, perhaps a partaaai list?
  5. From time to time, I hate being right. The ignorance killed the communities, and is still working hard to kill overclocking - why would the vendors keep on, if there is no money in it? But feel free trying to make it a more and more exclusive club.
  6. M.Beier

    COMPUTEX 2018

    Well, 2019, I'm going. By the way; Keep crying about OC communities dying, guess who is killing them.
  7. 1 at the time guys, the desire for the combo is overwhelming!
  8. Kinda hoped that you guys could help me out on that one :-) Is 500E for the combo rude? (plus shipping), it is one of the better chips, however, not looking to earn profit on transition to new platform.
  9. Lookin' to try something new - despite that I don't drink coffee, I feel like going for coffee... The chip, at slightly chilled temperature (open window) is capable of 5400MHz+ CB15, watercooled... Here are some score made with the CPU, watercooled... http://hwbot.org/submission/3493785_m.beier_3dmark___fire_strike_geforce_gtx_1060_(1152_shaders)_12832_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/3493762_m.beier_superpi___32m_core_i7_7700k_5min_39sec_605ms http://hwbot.org/submission/3493780_m.beier_3dmark2001_se_geforce_gtx_1060_(1152_shaders)_127772_marks Not sure about price, so I'll gladly hear your guys. Oh and... 5200/5000, P95 (8/8) and P95 AVX (8/8), it'll do too - considering thats been my daily setting.
  10. Which kinda price level are you looking at? Have one that'll pass Prime95 small FFT at those settings, on watercooling.... It'll do up to ~5400-5450 MHz CB15 watercooled with higher voltage, and colder room temperature than my prefered 23C ;-)
  11. Hi lads, I have a i7-7700K that I run 5.2 GHz daily (2 AVX offset) @ watercooling, it can bench at around 5.55GHz watercooled, depending on ambient temperature. CB15 @ 5.48GHz at 22C ambient (as I recall*) Along it is an ASUS APEX board. I never used the chip for competitive benching, and don't know how it does under cold, yet, if room reaches 26C, it does cost more than 100MHz, so, it is indeed temp sensitive. I'd like to get a clue on how much the combo is worth... I am very tempted to swap to 6C/12T X299 setup, but not if the loose of the current is too massive. Cheers, Marc NB: Items are in Denmark.
  12. Everyone; Thanks for the input, and for most keeping a friendly tone towards one another (and myself) Yes, it is controversiel not just floating with the stream, but sometimes its healthy to look from outside the box. Much thanks to PJP/Massman for keeping calm, despite he was the one person I choose to mention by nickname. Rauf, same, no reports in Denmark. RULE: Oh boy, not even sure how to react. Don't really want to lower myself that much. Only thing I will mention is that you got the wrong idea Franco, both about me, but also the events taking place. If you wish to have a discussion with me, do it in PM, but, straight up, you have to be more respectful, otherwise its not worth my time.
  13. Snipped two parts First: Yes, I hardly think it was according to HWBots plan, however, it, in my book, is no valid excuse/push the responsibility. First impression is outmost important - just a heads up (to hwbot) to be more aware of such in future Second part, I meant as for strategy, I didnt say that HWBOT is swimming in money and luxorious, I admire the effort that HWBot does in general. I respectfully disagree Splave, I think you are underestimating the marketing value of overclocking, I also think you underestimate the appeal and 'understanding' of the sports effort by observers/bystanders. Last year HWBot had the world tour at 'glass area' in Nangang, in my opinion, that was very exciting - same company asked us to cover a modding event, and I honestly don't think it can even be compared.. When HWBot challenge for 2 or 4 hours were kicked in, you see people going nuts, frustation peaking, shouting/burst from a few now and then because the hw is being a cunt... At the casemodding competition this year, well, time started and half went for lunch, not exactly something to make the crowd consider it a hard competition. - Also having spoken with multiple overclockers in elite, I def' don't think vendors considers the overclockers or community 'lucky to be a part'. Well yes and no I don't think cooling should be limited, though we all know that its not realistic to pull LHe as private bencher. However, it is a bit of a punch to the groin that when a new flagship is launched, already from day -5 weeks(+-) the records have been set with LHe, and you will never be able to compete with the respective gear. It IS in my opinion, vendors ruining the fun for the common and wealthy overclocker. My rant is also curiosity on what does the community want? At the moment I see it heading towards a dead-end, and thats why, bombastic as I may be - I make this thread which hopefully is food for thoughts despite some clown writing 'BS, reddit, BS, attention". PJP, glad you noticed the thread First of all, the gathering on 27th, good deed by hwbot(and you)! Slightly chaotic as for when/where/attending, I wouldnt have been able to make it, but I actually did ask regarding the event, next year, would you mind keeping posted on the forum? I am fully aware that hwbot is trying, yet, I am merely suggesting a bit more harsh approach, and also - as I also replied to Alby, curious on what the heck does the community desire. Personally, I think the community is bending over way too much, and thereby harm itself and make it less appealing for people wanting to get into OC. Final input for this round: Locally, how many of you experience people questioning OC? Mocking extreme OC? I have seen quite an increase in Denmark over the past year - and I believe some of the reasons are highlighted in the rant - simply that its no fun with the respective level of playing field. Over and out, And please: Even if you dislike me, dislike someone else in the thread, do read websmiles post 3 times and think 'Does this seem appropriate to post.', absolutely no reason for personal insults.
  14. Hi lads, Hope this critism will be taken positively and somehow turned to add-value instead of just going in defensive. I've been an extreme overclocker in the past, yet, its been forever since playing with LN2, in the past couple of months all I've done with OC is some 7700K and setting records with 1060 3GB - nothing spectacular, so, do I even have a saying? I went to Computex with 5 other media guys, the team of 6 were covering Computex 2017 for the biggest online IT media of Denmark, not with focus on overclocking, yet, they were asking me a bit now and then considering the amazing show by G.Skill and GALAX. So here is my 3 observations with sadness for this year. Once again, pardon me being blunt about these things, they are not likely to suit hwbot very well. Arrogance towards newcomers? The day prior to Computex we went to collect our press badges, the first thing we saw when heading towards the escalator was a big banner for HWBot "8-17, overclocking gathering", they asked me if I was aware, I replied, yeah, I knew about that, and perhaps we could have a quick peak before heading to ASUS conference. We collected our badges, enjoyed a quick view of TWTC from 2fl, all the work in progress, somehow always pleasing. We then went to the room of HWBot gathering - there was a sign on the door stating one was to knock on the door. So we did... 60 sec, no reaction. Hard knock.. 30 sec, no reaction. Then one of the lads opened the door, and out bursted a rep, stating it was a private event, NDA NDA, and we were definantly not welcome. Having worked with the given person, I told the others not to take it harsh and it just came out a bit wrong - culture difference'n' stuff.... But everyone pretty much said "arrogant prick". That wasnt exactly the best start of 'selling OC' to the press - very unfortunate that HWBot decides to make a banner where media picks up their badges, and then give such a welcoming - I'd say, don't advertise at the freakin' escalator if it is a PRIVATE SHOW. .. Later (at a party one of the nights) discussing this with an extreme overclocker, Toolius, he said that not even he was welcome at the given event, despite having asked up front. HWBot, for the community and users, or for the vendors? I love ASUS, Gigabyte, ASRock (Yes even you Nick!), MSI doing extreme overclocking at Computex, and yes, fully aware that its in-house, thats cool - yet, ofc. GALAX & G.Skill bringing it to the actual show smokes the '4 mobo knights' - that being said, I admire the Helium shows that went down this year, though it would have been cool if ASUS had been more open about it. What bothers me then? Well... WR WR WR, promotion in the name of HWBot, i7-7740K (and i9) is taking down lots of records, and that is just fine, but should it have its space on hwbot? No, I do not believe so. Personally, I can hardly be described as poor, yet, I can't "pull an Andre", but if I could, how would I feel wanting to enter OC, bin 25+ 1080ti, bin 200 7700K and then more than 5 weeks before a new CPU hitting the stores it taking down all WR? Honestly, I think its disrespectful towards the community and extreme overclockers that are not in-house clockers to allow even submitting none released hardware on the bot - its stupid that i7-7740K that you cannot buy, is allowed to posses the WR. I think HWBot has to look inwards and remember where it came from - hwbot is pleasing the vendors these days, not the actual community nor the overclockers that want to get into the sport/hobby. Yes, vendors finance and makes hwbot work But would vendors be interested in doing so if there were nobody in the community? Where is the community spirit? As every year I made the thread up front about Computex 2017 on hwbot, we are not the biggest community around, but yet the one I enjoy the most (bromance ppl!), we shared information with one another about this years show, how to catch up, the go-to-places etc. yet, when push came to shove, what happend? Lots of overclockers prefered the "A-game" that they were invited to and felt exclusive about, sure thats ok - can't blame people for doing what they like, nor going somewhere they consider more fancy, but what I can scratch my head about (and this will be only direct person I highlight in the thread), is that Massman, being Mr.HWBot isnt more interested in socializing with the community and welcoming the newcomers that might show up at the events listed on the actual forum. I think that is very poor by hwbot, and def is something we should all work with. Sell OC - sell it OC is fun, its interesting, we are not in it for the money (which money*). Pardon my long rant, and once again, hope its food for thoughts - I'd really like to see my hobby grow, we used to be bigger at exhibitions than gamers, thats long long gone - we used to be much superior to modders, thats also long gone, and whom are to blame? The vendors, or ourself for not being able to promote what we do? *And once again - who the hell am I to judge? I went as press after all... Finally, a big shout out to GALAX Thanks for inviting me to GALAX OC night, despite I've been retired for a while, it is GREAT catching up with the community, and I enjoyed an awesome long chat with Pasi this year.
  15. M.Beier

    Computex 2017

    Not sure if I can make it for saturdays dinner, will probably arrive in TPE too late tbh.
  16. M.Beier

    Computex 2017

    Champions League football final Its the best league in the world(European, middle eastern & Russian clubs - though its known as the European Champions League), final match, its sorta like superbowl final, except without the many breaks, commercials and other crap.... But huge sports event, and usually higher level then World Cup final. This year it is Real Madrid (.. bastards @ Madrid, Spain) vs. Juventus (Torino, Italy) Real Madrid has not been great this year, but improved lots lately - its not exactly been good football, and they are only in final because of a biased ref vs. Bayern München (Sure D@ncop can confirm...) Juventus has not been top class the past 10 years+, however, they have the by far best defensive in the world, but they are the underdogs for the final. --- Pew, too much text? Oh and the game is being played 20:45 CET, 19:45 local time - and in TPE that should be 2:45 AM it starts, and it'll last roughly 2 hours. (2x 45 min, 15 min break + extra time).
  17. M.Beier

    Computex 2017

    Pardon my absence from updating, I've been way too busy lately... Still havent even registered for Computex, doh... Curious about one thing lads, anyone up for watching the CL final? And that would keep me away, here is you chances Durian, stinky tofu and other smelly stuff, I simply cant comprehend!
  18. M.Beier

    Computex 2017

  19. M.Beier

    Computex 2017

    Not many this year it seems Hope for lots of 3D benchies with AMD this year.
  20. Because thats 10ml
  21. The aussie is right! Get the money to your bank account ASAP...
  22. M.Beier

    x4 APEX

    Sorry for OT. Respect, amazing that you are sharing with fellow overclockers and not taking advantage. Great price HWBot needs more of this!
  23. Hi lads, think more suitable selection should be added I might be perma drunk, but don't think AHCI is spot on
  24. Man if only I had the space for that cascade!
  25. Well in my opinion its not really a competition, but rather a good way for others to see which batch is worth going for. Personally I have acheived much lower voltage then initially informed, also I've been able to do the test at ~5450 watercooled, but didnt update on this part.
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