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Everything posted by websmile

  1. Definitely yes, it will be same for all so no advantage or disadvantage for anyone, but I want idle and load, because of this start the monitoring before the benchmark starts
  2. OK, 30 degrees was intended to be minimum temp load and idle^^ - I will not handle this too strict, I accept 20 minimum idle if delta to load is OK, but I will not accept chiller temps like menthol offers, 1,5v and 6° is at least apprentice league cooling. Sorry that the rules left room for interpretation.
  3. I will check this again to verify. But when I see realbench load on cpu, 30 load is temp you can get on single stage P.S. In the end all will have same limit, but it is of course important to set before people bench for nothing
  4. When we are it - please note that minmum temp is 30 degrees celsius or more - enthusiast (real enthusiast league^^) cooling. The competition is open for all leagues, but you have to meet the requirements - tyia
  5. Massman fixed the issue, it can always re-occur for a few users, but you can try again, feedback if it works now would be welcome
  6. I checked the file, does not work for me as well. Iirc, Pieter might be right, it is no problem of outdated version but maybe too new, we had this in the past with 2600k and similar cpus
  7. Will be the old issue that you have to submit directly from the application and file save doesn´t work, I checked it again myself and had same issue
  8. Did you use the right upload and right benchmark? It is hwbot version, not realbench v2
  9. I have no idea what causes the problem, maybe you use an old xtu version? http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=150700 You can send me the file via PM and I try if I can submit, might help to find the problem
  10. Sigh, people do always search loopholes or do not think about the concept. Of course normal TitanX is not allowed at division III as well, it is third tier vgas division like it is third tier CPU division as well. I will remove them when I have time.
  11. The rules were not changed, maybe you mess this up with formula series. First stage of realbench is limited to 4 cores, it was designed this way and is well balanced as you will see in the end. On graphics cards, only restriction is one graphics core used, so Titan X is allowed
  12. Result was obtained using windows 7, which is not hit by the later RTC bug like windows 8 and 10 - valid for hwbot rankings For further information, please check general rules paragraph 1.6 about windows restrictions
  13. Would you please link the submission so that we might try it? I cannot determine which submission you refer to^^
  14. Download should be available at the mainboard support website
  15. Well, you can check if the driver is approved for the card, you can use gpuz to check the pci-e status and use the monitoring to check if the card moves to 3d at gaming. Often this is caused by remains of old drivers, maybe you should uninstall driver again, use a driver cleaner to remove all remains of old nvidia drivers, re install newest driver and then check again. Very hard for me to give advice from the distance
  16. I removed titanx pascal results from the competition, I can only state once again that hardware released after the start of round 3 of challenger divisions is not allowed
  17. http://forum.hwbot.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=4665&d=1472826986 should be ok, you click on the attachment and can save the background, no idea why you cannot see it
  18. This is not good. Didi you try to edit the result and click at cpu model tab, to see if it turns up? I use firefox, I edited one of your deleted subs and it worked for me P.S. Because I was bored I unblocked it and added it to the competition - jk - please check if the next sub you make works better, normally this temperature tab is always there as soon as you enter cpu model manually
  19. Post #6 at this thread has an attachment which is the official background. Massman is at Indonesia or on plane, as soon as he finds time he will also make the link work at the rules tab at eocsports. Please use the background I attached for the moment
  20. When you fill the form, please put in idle, load and ambient temps. This pops up when you do manual input, it is directly below CPU field and opens normally as soon as you click on cpu model tab
  21. @jab383 Please check the stage rules that clarify this, max 4 cores enabled on cpu and max 1 videocore allowed P.S. No problem, it is preliminary solution until we can attach it also to the link at eoc sports under the paragraph "submissions" at rules page
  22. Here is background for first stage, later will be also added at the comp
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