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Everything posted by websmile

  1. OK, obviously the original plan was not changed as the announcement and rules tab initially proposed. Updated opening post to clarify 2011-3 not allowed, all other platforms are OK as long as retail and non-server hardware. Sorry the inconvenience, was obviously a communication problem we now fixed before the start. Rules will get updated as well
  2. 20 as minimum that is still accepted. Funny that I see 5 degrees and such stuff, seems no matter what you write at rules, most people do not read it anyway..
  3. Cough - 5 days still no picture?^^ I am very patient if something like this happens once, but no picture means I will delete the thread next days and make bookmark about this
  4. It was stated several times that due to skylake idle temps being low, as well as amd, we accept 20 minimum. On x265, if cpu is delidded with liquid metal, there is not much more that you can do, only get better cpu maybe
  5. No removals because of this. The validation at FM, even without link, is enough
  6. The link has not to be part of the submission if it is shown as valid unless you have a global top 20 result. This is the way I will handle it for this competition, please note that the challenger divisions are part of introduction of the benchmark. We will evaluate the results and update the rules after the competitions end, for now the complete screenshot with result shown valid is OK. On other competitions, we will ask for the link explicitly if needed, rules will state this
  7. You can particpate in stages 2 and 3 - maybe you contact amd and propose they do a benchmark as well, if enough users ask for this they might bother to support oc with an AMD benchmark P.S. We have two divisons at challengers which are AMD only if you want to participate, and on realbench competition, at least some of the stages are open for all hardware. To come back to Formula, I think the point distribution shows that we also appreciate the all open stages a lot
  8. Above 103 avx2 does not work at unlocked non K 1151 cpus. This is why you beat higher bclk at XTU and a couple of other benchmarks which rely on this
  9. Good luck for everyone, minimum temps accepted will be 20degrees Celsius as on stage 1, The Stage is limited at clock frequency for core and cache (4200.00), no limitations on cores and threads used but 2011-3 not allowed as well as Titan XP Pascal
  10. Physics is still not allowed, but before you report, check the links - the fact GPUZ shows physics does not mean it is enabled for the benchmark
  11. I assume it is win7, but I wonder why people with impossible runs often cut the screenshot. Might be needed to handle this more strictly
  12. Try the 1.92, worked fine for me, if you want the 2.03, hit me on fb and I send you link, found this at my drop box
  13. This is no Time spy specific problem - you can say thank you to microsoft rather in my opinion^^
  14. You can find the latest approved drivers at FM website at approved drivers Futuremark Benchmark Rules In general, FM accepts all WHQL drivers iirc, Beta drivers are rarely accepted, no idea if there is a list of these
  15. Check your os and if rtc/HEPT are enabled, maybe your OS is corrupted or you have to re install the benchmark, can have several reason. This problem would also make FS or FSE invalid with windows 10, Timer error is not accepted at Hwbot with System and OS that are vulnerable to RTC bug
  16. Yes, if you cannot show by validating the saved file and do a screenshot showing valid or proviide a link that shows valid result there is no chance the result gets ranked. Can only block it then, no other option, the result has to be approved by the fm online check and shown to be valid
  17. The classic way is to save the validation file and then submit it for a check. As far as I can say this works and so it does not require an active internet connection during the benchmark
  18. Validation link is not mandatory for non global top 20 - this is why the online validation is progress, it can be shown at result without needing a link. Sorry to hear that you lost the results completely, this is hard when you have no chance to rebench
  19. Lol, I even blocked some fs results at division 5 because I mistook them for time spy - I re enabled the results apart from one which was win 10 and time measurement error, so I fiixed this again^^ - sorry for the inconvenience
  20. The first sentence at the rules at the moment is that the result must be valid by 3Dmark regulations, the benchmark itself states a warning after the run if the benchmark is not validated, it also shows invalid clearly if settings are not approved. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=159335 Here is the announcement of time spy at hwbot, which also clearly states, without leaving any question unanswered, that the result must be validated at the 3DMark website. We cannot make the rules for one benchmark 5 pages long (exaggerated example for that we might have to write a book to rule out all not allowed options^^), even at an update we can only include LOD or Tessleation as an example because there are more options to influence benchmarks. P.S. I appreciate the feedback, not to get me wrong here, we decided to use it at challenger divisions so that we and community learn about it. Good competition, but no money onvolved, ideal start. People already called for points a couple of weeks ago, we left it at beta without points, reason is to wait for the feedback. We will try to make the rules even more clear now and hope this helps benchers to have more security and even more fun at benching
  21. There is no change at all to the rules - time spy was clearly announced from the start to be validated by Futuremark, the current rules are unchanged from the first introduction of time spy. There was even a big discussion about this here at forums. People simply did not read the rules correctly, nothing changed for time spy. For all older FM benchmarks, Hwbot keeps the rules the way they were. Time spy is brand new, planned to be bulletproof for all platforms with 8 and 10 for example by validation and also cheat-proof. Time moves on, we have to make things more simple especially with rtc bug, vendors start to skip win7 support already (skylake) and we cannot live in the past when new benchmarks come
  22. The rules will get an update next days, but the fact is well known that FM strongly disapproves on the use of LOD, they also excluded all results from HOF with this used, other than hwbot. The phrase Result must be Valid by 3DMark regulations stated at the rules already is quite clear, nontheless I agree that we should name LOD explicitly at the update now. Rules have to be kept generalized, but on a important point like this we might include it as example
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