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Everything posted by MaddMutt

  1. Did you LN2 the memory? I Love the pictures :-) Thanks
  2. Very Nice ? 3DMark 03 only need 4c/4t or less. CPU speed is king :-) Are you submitting to all benches with this setup?
  3. How much did the x4 slot hurt the score? Great Run.
  4. Windows 10 or Server 2012? Great run :)
  5. Very Nice :-) Now you just need some DX11 top 10's for some more Boints.
  6. This bench s not full core 6.5, (8x6.4 + 4x6.3 + 4x6.2) X101, with an average of 6.3-6.4 ^ I know my EVGA Dark will let me run cores at different speeds but the OC software freezes when changing speeds. You need some more submissions to be taking HOME GOLD. I have to back Splave, Dancop, OGS, Ect, Ect.
  7. You working on getting (Benched 25 different NVidia Cards) cookie?
  8. Strong Card :-) Running lIke my 280x Toxic. Love to see the pictures :-)
  9. What water block did you use? Pictures of it?
  10. I have to add to this (I'm the Yand to your Yin, Your other cup of Tea, Ect, Ect). If you set a Time Limit, you must also set a submission limit. Do you need to sub 1, 2 - 10 scores a year to be considered active? What if : Your new score is lower than 2 years ago, does it still count for being active? You only submit scores for Competitions, Challenger Series, Ect, Ect. Theses do not always give points and are limited (Less than 5 ) submissions. Thank You ?
  11. I submitted a ticket also. What good is it to bench ______ when your score is invalid ?‍♂️
  12. From what I have read online.http://www.ldcooling.com/shop/14-phase-change has SS and is based in EU. I left an e-mail with them ~ April 1-2020 and have not received a reply back.
  13. WOW. My 9900kf must be gimped with a IMC stuck @4.9 :(
  14. 14.6 Driver? 14.12 or 15.7 not better? HD-5830 is an ODD card but with points like that who cares :) Thank you for the pictures :-)
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