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Everything posted by MaddMutt

  1. Welcome to the Cold Side :-) Nice Frosty Pictures.
  2. Nice :-) Can You please take pictures with a flash or with lights on? Any V or M Mods?
  3. Wow ! I love the pictures :-) Is this a one-of-a-kind or did you go though several to find best OCer?
  4. Ouch. Did that card catch on fire :-). Any V or M Mods. Can you take pictures with the flash on? Great WORK - Thumbs Up
  5. Very Nice :-) I love those KPE’s. Are you going to go cold with them also?
  6. What? No LOve for that EVGA GTX-980Ti K|ngP|n Video Card? No name or Pictures :-( For the PRICE I'd be tell everyone what card I was using, unless it's not? BIOS flash? Vmod or Mmod? Please tell :-)
  7. Any better Pictures? Please list if used again, if you had to do V/M Mods :-)
  8. IIRC that’s not a Lightning. Was a Vmod done?
  9. Can you include pictures of your setup? Thank you :-)
  10. Why Minimize the AIDA64 and HWInfo64 screens WHEN you already have a big empty screen?
  11. I forgot to mention I was referring to Unigine SuperPosition :-)
  12. There are Multiple Versions RC-x.x, 1.0
  13. Does anyone else have a problem running this on a x299/i9-10940x? Using the Intel 18.1 OpenCL Drive crashes the program :-( It does run with the AMD Drive though. Using Windows 7, It does work in Windows 10?
  14. So This is another Bench that is limited to Elite's Only. There is no SOC/Classified on E-Bay and any other MB's are below avg OCers. Their are many of us that now have a x99/x299 setup and 4x GTX-480/580 are cheap. They may not be the top OCers but at-least we can still participate ?. The Other 80%+ DDR4 Benches are Limited to AMD's CPU/GPU Only ?
  15. Can you disable cores for the DDR4 catagory??? If not you are stuck running only Dual Card configs - GTX-295/590/690/Ect.Ect. No 4-way 480/580/680/780/980/Ect.Ect
  16. What Next 8800 GTS 512/640 or GT/GTX/Ultra? And Always More Frosty Pictures :-) Team Cup Prep?
  17. What's that yellow stuff on the card?? No LN2 for the CPU? ->8800GTX Next??
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