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Everything posted by MaddMutt

  1. Is it the 9960x IMC or the Memory keeping you from running 4000 CL12-11-11-28/220 1T on that x299 Dark? My 10940x has been able?? Thank You for the frosty picture :-)
  2. WOW! Better speed than my R9-290x L W/Dice :-) Over 100 MHz better - Very Nice.
  3. I love the Frosty Pic :-) Thank you for also including the EVGA E-Power card.
  4. It was the next after the 450. Do you have anything else in the 400 Series? I'm looking to bench my 9900kf so your CPU scores are what I would be getting :-)
  5. Nice Run :-) I love the pictures - Thanks. Any pictures of the E-Power board setup on the 5850?
  6. WOW! Is this a new 8320? Excellent Run - Any pictures?
  7. How would the Teamgroup DDR4-4133 CL 12-11-11-28/220 1t do with This CPU?
  8. Very Nice ? 3DMark 03 only need 4c/4t or less. CPU speed is king :-) Are you submitting to all benches with this setup?
  9. Very Nice :-) Now you just need some DX11 top 10's for some more Boints.
  10. This bench s not full core 6.5, (8x6.4 + 4x6.3 + 4x6.2) X101, with an average of 6.3-6.4 ^ I know my EVGA Dark will let me run cores at different speeds but the OC software freezes when changing speeds. You need some more submissions to be taking HOME GOLD. I have to back Splave, Dancop, OGS, Ect, Ect.
  11. You working on getting (Benched 25 different NVidia Cards) cookie?
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