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Everything posted by P5ych0

  1. awesome work as allways
  2. Thanks for keeping this this Place !!!! Iam in for Patreon
  3. hhhuuuuuuuuge^^
  4. thanks Guys.... yeah maybe^^ final Version will be shown soon, some little changes are needed but this one is working realy fine
  5. thanks for your offer. i prefer arround 6,5 or higher r15
  6. Hi Guys, iam looking for a strong 6700K. let me know if somebody have one for sale
  7. royals and 2nd omega sold
  8. price drop...Royals
  9. one Omega sold... Price drop for mems
  10. Hi Guys, up for sale some more unused stuff. #1 Rampage 6 Omega Extreme ---> New one, with Box and accessoires #2 Rampage 6 Omega Extreme ---> Slighly used under LN2 for some pretests. covered with vaseline arround the socket area. Board works fine #3 G.Skill TridentZ Royal 4800 c19D 16GB Kit ---> does 4800 c 14 13 13 geek 3 at 1,98v #4 G.Skill TridentZ 3600 c17D ---> does 4180 12 11 11 49/50 geek 3 at 2,05v #5 Ryzen 9 3950X ---> does arround 4,5 R15 on ambient Water with 1866 fclk set 1.4v BIOS LLC 7 1,368v load. with invoice #6 8700K, Batch L835D395... does 6875 R15 and 7105 Geek3 single. All my subs are done with this cpu https://hwbot.org/submission/4243288_p5ych0_cinebench___r15_core_i7_8700k_2277_cb https://hwbot.org/submission/4175915_p5ych0_geekbench3___single_core_core_i7_8700k_7944_points Prices: #1 = sold #2 = sold #3 = sold #4 = 175€ #5 = sold #6 = sold all items located in Germany. Buyer covers shipping and PayPal fees. No Return and no Warrenty from me. All parts are working fine
  11. nothing
  12. Hi Folks, up for sale a @websmile pre binned Kit TridentZ Royal 4800 c18. Slightly new in perfect condition, inbox ! ---> 4800 14 14 14 tight 1.97v geek 3 ---> 4600 17 17 17 tight 1,48v for dayli Price = 325€ Located in Germany, buyer covers shipping fees. No Warrenty or Return to me.
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