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Everything posted by SoF

  1. gratz for that wprime32m 2core category WR! Just can't leave that poor S1156 alone, can't ya?! ))
  2. Not sure but if I can make a guess with my limited knowledge about the technology behind it in deep: As importants parts for PCI-E (lanes) are inside CPU in 1156 and in 1366 not I see low chances for this mod to be working for X58. This is a problem introduced by P55 technology and only appears with that. Maybe I am wrong though And according to my tests with 32nm 1366 until now (and now means -102°C) there are no similar problems with it and cold on today's boards :celebration:
  3. really good to see they learned that quickly out of all that feedback - seems that event was great and effective for all :woot: More boards with fullfilling all of our requirements can only mean more fun
  4. ES and "beta" hw is accepted after the same type of hardware is available to the public. that means you can score with ES chips as soon as the Retails are out - and that's good so!
  5. I still ask myself how such wrong information or missunderstandings can happen. We told EVERYBODY open the screens from GC 2009 and how we got hardware and which - back in the days - nobody questioned. Why not giving us a message there before speculating behind our backs (not pointing to anyone special please nobody get me wrong). Also on the old screens you can see no CPU is lapped! Really wondering about some posts here, just have a look on the topic I posted, everything is answered there (ok we are not pointing out it was retail but just because we thought it's clear, and again: you could have asked )
  6. I got the point and I think it would unbalance what you have just tried to bring into the overclocker's league with rev3. The bonus system seems heavy and so you need the big cards again for the first 10-20 places. My initial complain was about no even ranking for 1/2/3/4 GPUs, e.g. giving each category 1-200 places (or 1-500 for famous) for global and everybody get's (fixed) points according to his place or by percentual computation from the first rank (WR = 100%).
  7. sounds interesting but it has some minor problems: does not fix the problem of low 2x / 3x hwboints (e.g. ranked top20 with 2x 260 GTX @LN2 in 01 SLI) as it will mix all numbers of GPUs as far as I understood. As it is a "one-time-Bonus" it will only help some guys at the top to extend their lead maybe but unlikely help to balance the single-gpu weight. And 10th get's 20 points while first gets 150 - no doesn't sound good for me to balance anything, before doing strange things like that better leave it out.
  8. see....you write it but you just think different than me Looks like you missed MY main focus of overclocking - highest possible scores. You say it: Boris needs to bench weaker hardware now...All you made with rev3 is to make the overclocking league a single-gpu bound league...didn't had a closer look into CPUs yet, don't want to... And you do not credit thoose guys with the overall best scores anymore...no CF, no SLI will ever be able to bring you on top anymore...I hoped it will be balanced, that single and multi solutions will have a fixed basis for their records (e.g. 100 Points) so that thoose with less money take single gpu and others fight in multi gpu - but all globals are balanced in points. it's just such a tiny change to the current situation but it would make such a BIG difference. I got all the "we want more people to be competitive" and I agree with you in many points...just like I said, my main focus was always a bit different, a bit more expensive, a bit more exclusive, just as many points as possible. Apart from that thanks for a great time with hwbot v2 - over the years it was always motivating and fascinating. Gave me many hours of fun and pleasure. Keep working on hwbot it can just get better :ws:
  9. 1) In the old rev that big margin wouldn't have been possible at all. Furthermore you made all work of this years worthless (!!!) with rev3 when Vince can do that kind of rampage within one session now...others can do too, I agree, but simply the fact that the entire ranking can be crushed by him with one GPU is so sad...poor boris... 3) You think it is easy for me seeing 2 or 3 years of work gone within a day? I was happy with rev2, very happy. I told you before that I am unsure if the changes will turn out good, I made my proposals but they did not get heard. I am just so stunned (and shocked) that you are now basing everything on how popular it is, not how high the scores are...you are trying to reorder the entire oc-community with the new point system and I hope they will NOT follow, you will have to revise everything (just give every record-class the same amount of points - I am almost instantly happy...) and we will all be friends again
  10. Oh massi....yesterday stummerwinter was ranked 1st with like 10 points ahead...now in the new ranking we have kingpin with almost 500 (!!!!!!) points ahead - the rest is far far behind...did you look on the points also? you saw the gap there? looks like you made your new ranking, looked if the top10 are still known names and thought you've done good...and I strongly disagree... If I am not too screwed about all this, I maybe take a friend into new heights just by telling him which hardware to get and maybe helping him a bit with DICE...he will jump into TOP20 like a rocket for sure...much more easy as v2 was...but I think I understood what this is all about - hwbot was never what I thought it is...it is not a "High-End World Record platform" it is a "mass benching platform" or whatever you want to call it now... ...and so I am out...
  11. Oh I was looking on the 2x 5970 score of stummerwinter - a lot money and work is involved, it is one of the highes 03 all over (197k...) and it gives.....11.5 points...whereas 150-165.5 points (triple as much as 5970 @03!!!) are awarded for a "simple" SINGLE GPU WR.... I am one of thoose overclockers who simply buys what it takes to crush the big numbers - that is how overclocking was for years and hwbot wants to change it now??? Why not giving every class a 100 or 150 points, as EVERY WR in EVERY class is worth THE SAME - even if only 4 people compete this is a topnotch game and everybody has to put a lot effort into it... What annoys me most is that hwbot is trying to judge which WR is worth more while everybody else who has been into this game for more than 5 years knows that every global WR is worth the same, no matter how much money was involved and how many people overall challenged this WR... Do you think it is an achievement to be No. 89 of 150 and deserves to get a lot points for it??? Beeing No.89 you should get kicked in the nuts but for sure not get any points.... I think you simply focused too much on the average joe overclocker and forgot that this game should still be compatible for the "elite" overclockers using latest and best technology...I want 5970, you want to force me 5870 just because of your freakin' points systems if I want to see me in TOP20 / TOP10...now you force everybody wanting to climb up to buy single card GPU...see what you've done with your system? screwed up a wide range of high end stuph, limiting us to 5870...maybe you just forgot to rename yourself during all the other work - is this now "averagejoehardwarebotsinglegpucompetition"? wow until today I could never describe how it works here in one word...now I can :woot: And yes massman you should do any maybe also move my posts right there
  12. well if this is your last thing to say, I have to quit, too... Now hwbot is about having parts of the most popular hardware and the best single GPU...a 5970 03 WR gives you, I don't know, 20 points? It's so ridicolous now that whole point-system... Sorry guys I know you have been working hard for rev3 but honestly, I agree with most of my german fellas (including guys from AwardFabrik, PCGHX and Hardwareluxx) and say it was one step forward and 5 steps backwards... I really hope for some changes or I am out of here, playing my own game with multi-cards and cores again out there with the spirit that for us the absolut best counts more than everything else (specially more than how popular a piece of hardware is)... LOL what can I do now with my Gulftown in wprime??? You MUST be kidding guys...is hwbot now "we want every average joe overclocker to be able to join TOP10 if he buys popular hardware and has some luck with his GPU"...we cut off all guys having fun with newest, but unpopular technology (e.g. Gulftown) as they are too good for an overall score competition?!?!...hilarious And yes I followed this discussion from the very beginning but I never expected it to come out that bad...
  13. Yeah it's a shame we don't get new 01 toys
  14. great benching again from you boris - good to see you finally can do 03...5970 is really much more stable in 03 compared to 4870X2. By the way did you test differences in cards like we did with the old dual cards? Any signs of the old problem "good card" "bad card" left? and I bet you played 01 or at least tried too
  15. Hey Andre, maaaan couldn't you wait a week with that score Really astonishing work and big respect to you for hitting the highest total MHZ ever achieved on a CPU :ws: regards SoF
  16. Hi all! I just returned from a GREAT show in Cologne. GamesCom 2009 was just rockin' :nana: We brought up our news yesterday where you can see a lot images of the systems and how we benched. There was an amount of hardware that I couldn't imagine and it was just mindblowing. AwardFabrik GameCom 2009 News All of us took a system home and I just remarked I will need to learn PC Mark and Vantage to get TOP20 Too bad I can't have Mars Power but maybe some Nvidia Cards sooner or later Hardware (at least what I can remember ^^) 5x 975 5 or 6 Rampage II Extreme several kits MUSHKIN REDLINE PC3- 15000 ASUS P6T7 WS Supercomputer 3x ASUS GTX 295 Mars 4x ASUS 285 GTX a bunch of 4890's (maaaan I wish we could have figured out the CFX bug) 4-5x MUSHKIN Europe 2 / 60GB 4x TOPOWER 1100W Vollkupfer-pots made by Otterauge GC Edition - godlike regards SoF
  17. your quick reply is really appreciated. it is always better to not allow things that cause errors if the function is not really necessary. I wouldn't have done it but I was sooooo in a rush after 4 days straight benching on stage more infos in bench sessions thanks good hint that (or a server update) fixed it.
  18. Hey hwbot-crew, I had this some time ago but couldn't figure it out correctly but now I seem to finally found the bug. When you edit 2 results at the same time the server goes nuts and you either loose the scores completely but can't enter them again (tells you you already have it) or it will do very strange things (like a different chip description and such thing ^^). Could you please have a look into that? For the moment I try to figure out how to get my results in there again as I get following errors: type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception javax.servlet.ServletException: org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException: Processing of multipart/form-data request failed. Read timed out org.apache.struts.upload.CommonsMultipartRequestHandler.handleRequest(CommonsMultipartRequestHandler.java:202) org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.populate(RequestUtils.java:442) org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processPopulate(RequestProcessor.java:816) org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(RequestProcessor.java:203) org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(ActionServlet.java:1196) org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(ActionServlet.java:432) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:710) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:803) org.hwbot.web.filter.TermsAndConditionsFilter.doFilter(TermsAndConditionsFilter.java:50) org.displaytag.filter.ResponseOverrideFilter.doFilter(ResponseOverrideFilter.java:125) org.hwbot.web.filter.PostRequestEncodingFilter.doFilter(PostRequestEncodingFilter.java:37) org.hwbot.web.filter.LocaleFilter.doFilter(LocaleFilter.java:38) org.hwbot.web.filter.CookieFilter.doFilter(CookieFilter.java:180) org.hwbot.web.filter.ResponseHeaderFilter.doFilter(ResponseHeaderFilter.java:29) root cause org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException: Processing of multipart/form-data request failed. Read timed out org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase.parseRequest(FileUploadBase.java:429) org.apache.struts.upload.CommonsMultipartRequestHandler.handleRequest(CommonsMultipartRequestHandler.java:193) org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.populate(RequestUtils.java:442) org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processPopulate(RequestProcessor.java:816) org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(RequestProcessor.java:203) org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(ActionServlet.java:1196) org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(ActionServlet.java:432) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:710) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:803) org.hwbot.web.filter.TermsAndConditionsFilter.doFilter(TermsAndConditionsFilter.java:50) org.displaytag.filter.ResponseOverrideFilter.doFilter(ResponseOverrideFilter.java:125) org.hwbot.web.filter.PostRequestEncodingFilter.doFilter(PostRequestEncodingFilter.java:37) org.hwbot.web.filter.LocaleFilter.doFilter(LocaleFilter.java:38) org.hwbot.web.filter.CookieFilter.doFilter(CookieFilter.java:180) org.hwbot.web.filter These are the results I need to enter again (I lost them totally for the moment and that after 2 weeks of pushing hard to see me up there in the rankings - that kinda sucks big time ^^)
  19. Welll I personally like things how they are at the moment. Just push your Phenom II with some strong GPUs and you surely get some global points in 3D Also in wprime you can get some, still behind all i7 but still. So I don't think we need separation.
  20. well mickeymouse I hope you are happy with your 2nd place now......... I always respected you with your pots and DICE knowledge and everything but what you have done here with this topic is incredible...
  21. they BOUGHT ALL chips and most of their hardware until now from their own money. if you work for something very hard you get a little bit back what is wrong about that? what the hell we have to proof in the future? pictures where we are, how many power plugs we have in our house? that's ridiculous guys. They will have higher scores very soon will you start to argue then again when they do not show every single piece of hardware they have?
  22. another time of "too fast" I was there, I thought we had "some" hardware over at the OCZ booth but they topped us out - if you bench on your own mickymouse that's your problem but buying 2 or 3 rigs one does ln2 one does oc is more effective. that's no sharing at all as both clock their own rig while the other one is doing ln2 and maybe giving some hints. I honestly see NOTHING wrong about that. team up and keep up :battle:
  23. yes I think I should calm down again and get onto my rig as well and squeeze out some results sorry for being a bit rude in my last posts, normally I just try to avoid getting into topics like these but at a certain point I tend to explode for a short time and this is what happened when I read some things a page before. but as things are cleared up and they proved that everything is correct I hope we can get back to normal now.
  24. sorry for the last sentence, didn't wanted to make me sound angry about the moderators themselves. it was more against thoose users trying to offend the best benchers in germany which I all know very good. it is so sad to read that some think they can question everything WITHOUT good reasons and without having backround information what our top-benchers are currently doing. If I would have benched this week-end with my E8600 as well I am sure I would have been on their list as well (have quite similar hw as stummerwinter with 98gtx) and this is what currently really makes me going up through the roof. I don't want to talk about that like you, but as long as people can't respect each other and think they are the measure of all things something is totally wrong in the oc-community. and again this is not against you, this is against people calling others "cheaters" just because they are better as them...
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