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Everything posted by SoF

  1. Hey Folks! AwardFabrik had a blast together with ASUS during 30.10.2010. We invited the best members of our hwbot team to hunt for some more points. LN2 and hardware was partly provided by ASUS. I would love to tell you the real big interesting news during that event but it's all under NDA. Michael or better known as "no_name" (yeah he still can do it -.-) preparing NDA-things LINK TO FULL ARTICLE WITH ALL IMAGES We all met in Frankfurt am Main - some other hw-site owners, reporters and writers joined the event for watching new platforms. massman and leeghoofd came for gaming and showing they can build together and turn on a quad sli rig. they also showed us they have an expander and 4 cards plastic coated - their tweak keeping the cards in plus-degrees while having a pot mounted let them easily bench without condensation issues. They also brought a playable demo of futurmarks 3D Mark 1985 - they could run it with 666 FPS with single GPU. After arriving first step was to carry in things and get the systems ready. Then there was a press-part with *peeeeeep* and current *peeeeeeep* as well as *peeeeeeep*. Oh an der was a question-round with guys from technical departement in Taiwan and Germany. ASUS brought following things for the Extreme-Overclockers of AwardFabrik: 6x Intel Core i7 980X 15x ASUS GTX480 6x ASUS GTX470 6x ASUS GTX460 10x ASUS Rampage III Extreme HUGE THANKS to ASUS for this great community support and the good relationship past the last 4 years! LN2 was brought by our old friend Johann Broser who also delivers the liquid gold for our big AOCM sessions with over 2000L LN2. So the guys started benching and found some really nice chips - the new GT steppings really seem to be great (all CPUs were brand new). Beside the Overclocking we had a great catering with cake, fruits, drinks (alcohol-free!) and WeiƟwurst After the benching part which finished around midnight we had some beers and nice chats in the hotel bar. It was a really nice time and the next event is already under construction best regards SoF
  2. u r sooo nub massman isn't german (I think I heard that at the very beginning) :D U r inspiring me for even more tweaking...hope I have some time during week-end PS: but germany have a public petition to assimilate massman as german state member -.-
  3. That would be one way to get you out of that duty - people need to discuss in forum among each other then more frequently.
  4. wohooo it just took 389 sounds good to me - I find the new idea somehow interesting but not as a replacement for the current ranking. as an addition it seems good. Sure it leaves the problem of hw sharing but we need to find other ways than simply removing a ranking to beat that. it's also on the users to post more informations about their sessions, take pics etc to make things as transparent as possible. PS: I always thought you are a hardware whore, nothing more
  5. Fully agree on the second part but I can't see the benefit of the new calculation method even your explanation has a point after reading it some more times. anyway as I said it can be removed completely I think I expressed how important it is in the end for me personally. still it is an important point as long as the ranking exists
  6. I think we have different opinions here but let's just make it more simple: team rankings in the way planned are not reflecting any kind of "team-ranking" but only individuals best results...so we can remove team rankings completely - out, over, end....would be fine for me - friendship between all teams as there is no competition between teams directly...why not, could save a lot trouble
  7. I think I've read the first 10 and last 5 pages - let's see if I can make some points FIRST: - Money accusations: all people going in that direction have never tried to run a big site with thousands of vistors a day and loads of traffic...people do you think servers are paying themselves? do you think the time and manpower behind hwbot shines out of the sky for free? And do you think this should be a point to be discussed here? NO! 2nd: The new team point rule let's the honest benchers and teams down the cheaters and sharers ruined a good competition between teams. the idea with meeting up more frequently etc. are all ok but in the end the team ranking isn't a team ranking anymore but a reflection of some oc-individuals within a certain team. currently it is a good reflection of size, activity, variety and team-work what is how it should be and stay. 3rd - EL / Xtreme / pro-mfc league: or whatever it will be called - fine for me as long as people that do reviews and might keep one or two boards a year for the work they do will not count into a pro / mfc league (as stated: "Free samples are not forbidden; manufacturers are asked, however, to focus on the UFL"). think it is a needed change. EL isn't something for me, do whatever you want hint: setup pics mandatory is imo useless - you can fake that so easy, just more work for the honest bencher and the servers if you ask me. 4th - hwboints: I still think 3D WR bonus extends the leads of thoose who are already quite in front - for pro league this is totally fine. Would it be an option to remove it in "normal" league to rule out the factor money a bit more. Making single card ranking more weightfull was a good start (after getting used to it) why not rounding it up in Rev4? for EL it is planned but consider doing it for XOL also I do not really like the idea of competition points - in smaller countries maybe there are no qualifiers, people have not the right hardware to compete in qualifiers etc. Still I like the idea giving thoose overclockers a bonus somehow for spending a lot time for those competitions and making loooong travels. It's like "oh no not another league" but a live competition league where a win gains you certain points, runner up get also points would be a way to give live competitions their place. elmor would have his place there and a lot nordic flags for sure different points from the presentation: Engineering samples debate: Let's make a cut - old scores stay where they are but new ES genereations are not allowed anymore. How many scores must be checked when you do it for all old results and how many people would be angry about loosing points another time. For the future everybody knows and can act accordingly I would say things like that would overcomplicate things. specially for the first three I would say no. And so I come to my final words: don't make it too complicated, keep it as simple as possible, that's why most people like hwbot. some new leagues ok but I hardly can remember friends caring about achievements and so - sometimes less is more Anyway good luck with the new revision, if you make some points right it could be a good one but with some wrong descision it can also fail best regards SoF
  8. Isn't there a little fanboy in all of us?
  9. looks like a big jewel - totally useless
  10. Whatever you smoke lately - can you send me some kilos?!
  11. that's not offtopic I somehow like the competition, see if I can make some subs to the one or other stage
  12. how could I miss this until now - oh I know I don't care about massman posts, I don't care about massman posts, I don't care about massman posts, I care about OC, ... freaks! I enjoy your humor here lately massi
  13. hahaha big lol at that awesome video - told me more about oc than I knew before but come back when you reached my pi tweaking skills :D it was already written on the DFI NF4 Lanparty - UV on, Tweak fun!
  14. is that screenshot thumbnail only for you also?
  15. is that screenshot thumbnail only for you also?
  16. SoF

    I'm back ...

    hahaha looks like you had some fun there
  17. Yeah he really keeps kickin' for hw-league currently. We are proud to have him on board
  18. Great job on thoose 8800 GTS Cards ! Keep the colden cups coming :nana: :celebration:
  19. There is no "danish" humor...there is only m.beier humor and you need some time to get used to it...past that point: everything he writes or says will make you laugh or at least smile (similar to albrecht or jp hahahahaha)
  20. Earlier I would have agreed with that right on the point but currently we have a very difficult situation (I leave out everything regarding result moderation, don't wanna think of the problems caused by the new rule there) at the moment: you want to bench 06 or vantage with some older cards --> you need GT. You can't effort GT? Well you are more or less F****. Personally I am taking a little break from OC atm and watching the things happening from "a bit far away" but some of my team mates are still as enthusiastic as on the first day. So I am sending my starving GT (not used it myself since 3 month or so) to team mates far away from me and let them have some experience with GT. You must know that this GT is not one of thoose cherry berry picked ones but random organized Q3QP back in october last year...none of my team mates would try to submit 2D scores with that chip (hardly 6gig pi or pifast ^^) or aim for any global scores - they just need it for e.g. 8800 GTS cards or X1XXX radeons for some hw-fun. I am happy I can give them the opportunitiy and think everybody in a good team that lend some good hw from a friend welcomes that you still can share some parts of hw and do not need to buy it all on your own alone. there is a certain "ethic" line you have to draw of course. explaining that is quite simple: have you seen me submitting scores with stummerwinter's magic 975? We benched it together many times and we could have brought me right behind him easy with that chip (had GPUs enough on my own!) but we NEVER did so and NEVER will do...just that simple if you call yourself a true and honest overclocker
  21. contest sounds really nice but I got rid of all my 1156 things a bit earlier - well let's see maybe I'll give it a go after my summer holiday (what only would left a week but maybe a nub like me has some luck in stage 1 before getting badly owned when using only DICE in stage 2 :D )
  22. Quote... It's not like people find thoose things during the compeition - we often had situations where it was a special bios or mod that was non-pub...I consider that as "unfair". It is surely different if somebody figures it out himself on it's own, keeps his knowledge during the competition and shares afterwards...but that's not the case with things around tweaks/mods/bios sometimes...
  23. I think you are quite in the first places when it comes to category "best allday system" Now waiting for winter to play outside?! HeHeHe It's good to see you benching (once a while ) :celebration:
  24. wooot the end of the world has come close - mm benching OMGOMGOMG :D really nice score and now we wanna see some 480 GTX SLI hehehe
  25. wow that is an insane Q3FE very astonishing work as usual and keep it benching - 03 needs to be destroyed
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