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Eeky NoX

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Everything posted by Eeky NoX

  1. Enfin bon ça ne fait que 12.5pts par minute aussi ...0.21 par seconde c'est pas top !! rofl
  2. WHO'S THE BOSS NOW ?? Good catch Koubb yeaaahhh!!
  3. Yop pas tip top le FSB Il prenait vraiment pas plus avec 0.05v ? http://hwbot.org/submission/738793_eeky_nox_cpu_frequency_core_2_e6750_2.67ghz_4405.4_mhz
  4. Ouai même pas de global ça suxx je suis d'accord J'ai vraiment pas de tweak à te donner à part tester sur un Vista tweaké/opti 3D avec des Catalysts différents Les miens sont pérav aussi en fait...
  5. It seems that "Chris" is the name for our community's tragedians ...you both are sick men !!! NB: made my day too ^^
  6. Bah oui forcément ^^ J'ai vu que t'en parlais sur KOC après en effet... ça suxx ! J'ai une 4890 qui reste comme ça aussi peu importe la mobal, j'ai abandonné...
  7. Euh c'est un Uningine sur la tof là Pas mal sinon PS: Il fait quoi Maed avec sa main gauche ? oO
  8. Hehe great acquisition with this chip... just a board affair Treat it well mate
  9. More to come... hope so !! Keep pushing master
  10. Well well done Doctor Wiz !! Nice run and more to come for sure champion
  11. Belle 2nde place mais il te met quand même de presque 400pts avec des frequ inférieures (sauf la ram...)
  12. OMG! It rocks hard ! Well done mates, great demo
  13. Ok that's why we can't have any clue about his new GF... I understand now Albrecht, 'cus it's a BF. Am I right ? Stange habits and curious likes you gat Trouffy ^^ @Chris: I know it's not your case ofc.
  14. Congratz! But -50pts haha! Damn raging to be so close. KEEP PUSHING !!
  15. I'm not sure of that You may detach it from the pipe I guess... Hehe I'd like to find a new PCE-E 1 slot for mine ^^ I doubt it would be possible... but can't I still RMA it or ??
  16. OFC! But I really don't like that game It ain't about spending money here but, time... not able to waste it at the post office over my working time
  17. Oh! What a loser I am ...1x 5.44 and 2x 5.33 ! Hell what did I do the wrong way ?
  18. It wasn't the case before ? You seem to be right but, is it really important ? Every high scores are lurked from far anyway...
  19. In that case 32M won't be very impressive, am I wrong ? Or maybe to OS ? some doubts... Edit: for sure it will be an affair of tweaking knowledge, my bad
  20. OMG !Imagine the mess...but 11 on XP would be a real challenge rofl Great choice of course
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