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Everything posted by Lays

  1. Now if only I had ln2 I was actually really surprised how easy it was to clock, I started at like 1.33v 1650, then bumped it up slightly for 1700 and it passed first try. Repeated the process a few times and only one crash during that whole session. Then it got really difficult to keep the pot fed with DICE past 1750 mhz and 1.5v. The very first try at 1800 it worked, didn't push anymore after because I barely had any DICE left.
  2. Thanks man I think the card definitely had more left in it, I still could of pushed more volts and a bit more clocks, maybe next time
  3. I don't think it's the ln2 that would be super spendy. I think I can probably find ln2 for $2 per liter, I just don't want to spend a boatload on a dewar only to use it once a month ya know? I don't make a lot of money so I just try to do the best I possibly can with my 24/7 PC.
  4. Everything went well, can't believe I hit 1800 on DICE, i wasn't expecting much past 1700.. http://hwbot.org/submission/3183338_ Card worked amazingly the entire time, I only blue screened once, and only had one driver crash. BSOD was from CPU pot heating up to much, wasn't paying attention. Lol
  5. Time to have some DICE fun I think I'm gonna put a tad more LET on those vrm underneathe the SLI finger.
  6. I've done all of those things, none of them work. It's something wrong with the BIOS, when I switched back to the stock one, it worked fine.
  7. do this for more memory
  8. I did that once as I was shutting my PC down, fans ramped up super fast and it BSOD'd as it was shutting down. I think there is something that adds massive volts when you flip the switch while the card is on.
  9. Wish mine scaled like that, I tried pumpin her with 1.4v, but it wouldn't do past 1550 still. It does 1550|2275 in FSE no problem 1.231v core, ~1.7v mem, but doesn't seem to go any higher. On water btw ^
  10. Would love to come, not sure if I can get time off from work though. I live in Oregon so I'd have to get a hotel and plane tickets etc.
  11. If you're on 32 bit Os that might be why, I personally had issues with 4000 c12 in 64 bit with b die, maybe you didn't have issues though with it.
  12. Figured it out, when I thought I had tried the stock BIOS, it turns out the card only has one BIOS on it at once. So when I had flipped the switch to stock BIOS, it was still using the Ln2 BIOS, because thats what BIOS had been flashed on the card. So the Ln2 switch isn't a separate BIOS whatsoever, it just gives more options in the GPU Tweak stuff. I flashed the stock bios and it works fine, so apparently the BIOS from the 980 TI Matrix thread that improves memory OC, doesn't work for GPU Compute.
  13. Just thought I'd post an issue with that BIOS Elmor posted on here with better memory OC. If you try to do GPUPI or any GPU compute benchmarks / folding, the card goes into P8 state for some reason, and downclocks to 405 mhz. I just flashed the stock BIOS back on, and now it's working fine. Figured I should let everyone know incase they have problems like I did.
  14. Is that a new 5960x I see? Good one man, keep up the good work!
  15. At this point I'm wondering if there's something to do with the i3 6320, or the OCF. I'm starting to think maybe there is a setting in the BIOS I'm missing, or if the 6320 somehow has some issue or something, I dunno... It didn't do this previously on my Z97 setup I don't know what else to try
  16. rename gpupi to .exe? or what?
  17. If it was done with 24/7 clocks then it should be very easy to replicate the score and re-upload it to shut them up, or prove that the run was bugged. Pretty simple solution IMO.
  18. Dam, these are the same settings I used for 741. I guess I should just go re-run it 500 times and see if I get 742 lol.
  19. Applied settings and all that, it worked to boost the card and lock it in P0 mode. Once I open GPUPI, it throttles back down anyways. Once I close it, it instantly boosts back to P0 mode...
  20. I tried without an OC on the 6320 with the "sky OC" turned off, but it still did it if I remember right. Where can I find that power mizer thing? I tried googling but couldn't seem to find a download for it.
  21. Tried 10, and 7, same result on both. Power save off yes, tried using K-boost as well to lock card into P0 state. Once GPUPI or F@H start, instantly downclocks to P8 mode @ 405 mhz.
  22. Lays

    good 6700k

    Any other results from other benchmarks? Just curious what else it can do.
  23. Anyone here know if I'll be needing to do the cold throttling mod for just DICE? I should be benching it on cold once I get a 6700k. 1550|2250 seems to be real easy on it on water @ around 30c load, 73.8% asic. Hoping on DICE I can get it up towards 1700-1750.
  24. I wish it went off score instead of the position, like if 742 was first place score and 7 people had it, then 741 was second place and the 8th person had it they'd get second place points.
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