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Everything posted by Lays

  1. Curious: Did they have more in them, I see you said they were on Ln2, but only at 1643. Did you just not push them really high?
  2. Sweet! Looking forward to it. I need to mod my card and get rid of OCP, then try again perhaps!
  3. First ever subzero GPU adventure!! Not bad I think Thanks to SteponZ, K|NGP|N for the tek-9 fat, K404, Bassplayer for helping me out getting ready for this, and helping me through it as well!
  4. same error for me, it's triggering me
  5. dood this is wprime not pifast :D :D
  6. Yep yep yep, new BIOS definitely works!!!! Haven't tested lower volts yet, but 9000 effective @ 1.775v from DMM working fine!
  7. You using a chiller? What type of volts you using if you don't mind sharing? Sorry for questions, just curious nice score
  8. Only got it to show up as a secondary card once, it doesn't show anymore and hasn't ever given display output.
  9. Tried 2 different monitors, dvi and display port nothin. I even unhooked the trimpot, turns out the guy thought it was VGPU, was actually VMEM. Without trimpot, still no display output. I'm 99% sure it's dead.
  10. Yeah it's enabled. Here's a picture of the error I keep getting from GPUTweak: Tried to reflash BIOS: Tried using safe mode:
  11. Aww yes is the one I'm on, I couldn't remember the numbers. Yeah, the old bios was working for me giving 200%. I shorted ln2 pads with a pencil, it's possible maybe the pencil rubbed off. I will check when I get home, I have a soldering iron now so I can do it properly. Need to watch some how to guides on soldering first maybe, I've only done it once lol. Don't want to mess anything up!
  12. The newest one from asus site if I remember right. I'm not sure I'm at work right now so I can't check which version. I'm fairly sure I shut the pc off, flipped to ln2 mode then flashed the bios, restarted pc and I wasn't getting display output for some reason. Then I flipped to normal mode, and display was working. Then I restarted in ln2 mode and had display, but power limit was 110%. Maybe the flash didn't work or something, or maybe I didn't flip the switch far enough to ln2 mode. I'll look when I'm home in 4.5 hours.
  13. Flashed it on my Samsung card, got weird "cannot load bios" error from GPU Tweak 2 on startup, power target max %110? Is it still supposed to be 200% like the other Ln2 bios? Can't test more as I have to go to work, but I can test more tonight when I get home.
  14. For some reason load temps on this thing are like 15c hotter than my 480 & 980 TI Matrix, I think it needs to be delidded or something. Card has more in it I think on water, but load temps 45+ celsius.. Normally my temps on 480 and 980 ti matrix are like 28-32c depending on ambient temp.. Something is fishy
  15. Any OC results with it? Just curious.
  16. OK, will do.
  17. I'll try that. To disable mod I just need to solder the wires off the trimpot, correct? I want to hear back from the guy that sold me it first before I go messing with everything if possible. To heatgun the card I'll have to remove all the LET as well I'd imagine. PCI-E fingers don't have a single mark on em, so I think they're OK. Tried wiggling around in slot as well. When windows recognized the card when I booted in with IGPU, it showed 0 MB of memory on the card, possibly something is messed up? Or just software bug?
  18. I don't think anything that isn't available to the general public should be allowed points personally, to promote fairness and equality.
  19. I bought a 5850 off a user here on the forums, it was already trimpot modded for v core voltage, and covered in LET. Before turning it on, I measured resistance on the trimpot, and found the correct direction to turn the wheel. I turned it to the higher resistance side, to make sure the gpu wouldn't get crazy volts on boot. It has no display output, v core voltage reading shows 1.14v when inside windows, but no display output. The vrm heat up, so they're definitely receiving current... I tried dvi port, and display port. But nothing, just black screen entire time. Tried clearing cmos as well.. Any other troubleshooting I can do? Or is it dead?
  20. 1600 7-8-7-24
  21. Ordered my very first kit of PSC, will test those and mess around for a bit while I save for Z170 @GtiJason linked me a kit on ebay he said could be promising with a good date, it was only like $25 shipped, so I grabbed em up.
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