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Everything posted by Mafio

  1. very poor score and irregular screenshot. l2p
  2. yes, it's a mere CPU benchmark. only nature seems to gain a bit from higher GPU frequency. it's a shame that the competition last only 3 days. anyway I'm not so sure about me being safe, knopflerbruce will probably kick my ass.
  3. it's the 4120 MHz one, too bad I don't have time to pick up LN2. also I'm not sure it's the best CPU for this benchmark, it lacks SSE3 support.
  4. this is the price we decided to pay when we decided to let manufactures come into this hobby. now overclocking is just like every other sport where a lot of money are involved...shit.
  5. keep up the good work. and BTW, here is the link for the ultimate pifast tweak: http://www.gimp.org/
  6. can I have my nickname changed in: Mafio? p.s. dinos42 is the best nick I've ever seen
  7. marketplace sections are always a PITA. honestly I don't think it's a good idea to have one here on the bot.
  8. yes, I'm very lucky with 939 CPUs, too bad I'm 6/7 years late to the party.
  9. thanks guys; that's nothing, this CPU have much much more in it. problem is that I don't have time to bench it.
  10. I just wonder what would had happened if those two guys were two average joes and not the second and third of ranking... probably they would have been banned 1 week ago... hwbot is becoming more and more ridiculous.
  11. this is getting ridiculous. if those two guys will not get banned for sharing, in the future, every time one of my friends will bench something I'll ask him to get me a screenshot of every bench he did with just a score a bit lower than what he will post. I bet my points will double in a bunch of months without doing nothing but uploading scores that someone else did for me. then when someone will question my scores I'll post pictures of hardware (nowadays everyone have a 3770K and a Z77 board). I can understand they have more than one 7 GHz chip, what I still don't get is why they used the same motherboard, the same OS, the same RAM, exactly the same CPU frequency, exactly the same RAM frequency, exactly the same VCORE etc etc. the things are two: 1- they shared the same CPU 2- mad222 or john lam tested all the stuff, wrote down the BIOS settings and benched his stuff, then the other guy swapped the CPU and re-benched everything using exactly the same settings. IMHO in both case they should be banned because they are too retarded to be allowed to post their crap here. edit: with greece is quite common to find this kind of results, have a look at the i7-950 category: http://hwbot.org/benchmark/cpu_frequency/rankings?hardwareTypeId=processor_1875#start=0#interval=20 lol
  12. next time if you have LN2 to waste use it to make ice cream
  13. lol, you HK guys are not clearing up nothing with this retarded show off. we are not saying you have too much hardware, we are saying you used the same CPU and then posted results with two different accounts.
  14. M.Beier inspired me
  15. they do use the forum, mad222's Last Activity is Today 06:51 (guess it's based on my local time, so 6.51 AM GMT+1) http://hwbot.org/forum/member.php?u=16185
  16. the fact that in more than 24 hours they have not found yet the time to reply this thread tells alot... ban those fuckers.
  17. you lucky man. here in Italy is quite difficult to get one, waiting time is much higher than 1 month... tell us if it likes cold.
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