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Everything posted by Mafio

  1. godaddy says it's still "taken". damn
  2. very nice tool wizzard. thanks
  3. MSI definitely knows how to make fair competitions i still wonder why people continue to join this kind of jokes lol
  4. oh, so you asked for the software, probably another user of this forum gave it to you, also probably you have not signed any NDA but you still won't share it with the community. great attitude...... if someone else need this damn ab extreme here is a link: http://lol
  5. just another good reason to NOT buy the crappy cards MSI is selling and not joining the MOA... what is really funny is that the MOA rules state that unreleased and ES stuff can't be used but at the same time say nothing about unreleased software (like this afterburner extreme)...
  6. dafuq? GPUZ with Aero theme, all the rest with Windows basic theme? keep up the good w...err, I mean, photoshopping skills nexthw.
  7. holy smoke, very nice result lads. keep pushing it
  8. very nice and welcome to the 8 GHz club
  9. LOL it's the destiny, it's telling us than we should not join the competition.
  10. I find quite funny how you guys put the statement "global crisis" in the same phrase where you also say that you are more than willing to spend 1600+ €.
  11. forcing everyone to buy super high end stuff isn't the best way to incentive people to join, don't you think? if they really want make people join the competition they should make online qualifications with low/mid-end graphic cards, then, if the want, for the live stages they can give contestants 7970 or whatever they want. if using a low end graphic card you will also not need a super duper binned CPU but you still need to freeze/mod the graphic card and show the same kind of skills you need to bench an high end card. and don't tell me that using a lightning or an high end card is more difficult than using for instance a modded HD7750 (that is worth around 100 €). so, yes, I'm still of the idea that a competition with this kind of rules sucks so badly that it's better to not have it.
  12. I tried to post a score before coming here and start complaining on how much this competition sucks but I failed even in this... my country is Italy, so I guess I'm in the EMEA, isn't it? too bad the system refuse my score saying I'm not. anyway, even without being able to join I would like to write my opinion on this MOA, the most RIDICULOUS competition ever made. I'm just wondering who the hell is the fucktard (yes, because he/she could be only that) which decided the rules of the competition. the ONLY benchmark where you really need to know how to overclock and tweak is the 32M, 03 and 3dmark 11 are pretty plug and play and the one which had binned more GPU and CPU will win even with a daily use OS. clearly 32M earns way less points than what 3dmark 03 and 11 do. like if that alone isn't enough they also decided to make people buy not one, but two platforms: 1- Ivy + Z77 for 32M and 03; 2- SB-E + X79 for 3dmark 11. to sum it up, in order to being able to reach the top 5 a guy needs to have: 1- 3770K (320+ €) 2- MSI Z77 crapboard...errrrrr, motherboard (150+ €) 3- 3930K (550 €) 4- MSI X79 (200+ €) 5- highly binned HD7970 (or GTX680, are these really available?) (400+ €) so, without even thinking about binning we need to spend 1600+ €. MSI this time did everything to make the competition completely inaccessible for everyone without unlimited resources or connections with brands. I really hope none will join this crap and hwbot will finally realize how this kind of money/marketing-BS driven competitions add nothing to the community.
  13. as long as we have a valid license i think it's legal to share the installer of the program. if it isn't legal just tell us which version we should use.
  14. take out of the screenshot this meaningless AIDA64 benchmark (different version = non comparable results)
  15. I see you are using 3:4 DRAM ratio, have you tried others? wrong divider really limits the ability of the board to clock FSB higher, in my case 2:3 was the best. I didn't tested with 2 sticks but this could be another issue, I'd try with only one (better if single sided) in every slot (in my case the nearer to the CPU was the best). play with CPU PLL (I used 1.59*) and VTT (I used something between 1.45 and 1.5 IIRC) and find what your CPU likes. p.s. don't forget to use a good PSU, these P4s are INCREDIBLY power consuming. back in the days we tried using an old Enermax Galaxy 1000 and without ever loading the CPU the PSU hit OCP threshold and the system completely shutdown at around 7.5 GHz. we switched to a single rail PSU (PCP&C 750, TX950 or PCP&C 1200) and completely solved the issue.
  16. +1000 p.s. post serial numbers and let the manufacture/shop know that i did overclocked their products? no thanks
  17. proving hardware sharing ONLY with screenshot is kinda difficult. i mean, ok, they have the same desktop background, same hardware and CPU and GPU frequency (and also DRAM timings) are very similar but: this is a 3d benchmark, so you can share everything (also the OS) EXCEPT video card. it is possible that first they have benched the first VGA, then took it off and plugged a second one. i don't think there is a way to detect via software if the cards where really swapped or if they just used one and uploaded 2 results made with the same card. if like i'm sure it is there is no way to detect the serial number of the cards used we are done, you can't really prove they are sharing.
  18. 6 GHz should be easy. i used to boot at 7.8 with the cedar mill on the RE. BIOS used doesn't looks to make much difference, DRAM divider is what matter the most (2:3 was the best as per my tests).
  19. awesome CPU congrats
  20. we just need another high priced poor performance kit. there are plenty of "cheap" 2x2 GB kits able to do 2600+ MHz with such loose timings.
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