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Everything posted by crio

  1. Thanks guys. With i had a lighting 275 or my SOC 275 worked..
  2. I've met him once and talked many times in MSN... Too sad...RIP Cyril
  3. Well done kintaro....Awesome score
  4. Well done my friend.....Tell your wife to pick you a 980X too....
  5. Well done my friend.....Tell your wife to pick you a 980X too....
  6. Well done my friend.....Tell your wife to pick you a 980X too....
  7. The SS is amazing.....It is so easy benching with it.
  8. Ole......Well done Kal my friend.... Awesome chip and skill......
  9. Nice catch...Really stupid of them...
  10. W00t w00t.....Congrats neighbour.
  11. First of all a huge congrats to Andre for the CPU and score. It is a record not easily broken now.So once again Bravo. On the other hand while i dissaprove of bills behaviour i am also sad to see two great overclockers poking each other like cocs. Its as yours d**ks will grow bigger if you manage to destroy one another. Do your scores, upload your video Andre and shut everyone, that's the right way to close mouths. Actions, not big words. Bill man take it down a notch. No need for crusades. Life has shown that cheaters never manage to keep deceiving for ever. If you think Andre is one then just like OPB before he will be exposed. To sum all up, guys stop acting like young boys. Its just a hobby.
  12. Tsan returns in full attacking mode....Congrats mate
  13. I voted for the Allow them as submissions without points option. Tin what say aint correct.Anyone can get his hands on a pack of cigarettes and there are no special ES cigarettes. On the other hands ES cpus are hard to find (first hand,not pretested second hand cpus that are probably degraded) and most of em are given to Manufacturers or big OEMs to pretest their systems.
  14. I agree with K404 and bill partially. Pieter we all bench cause it makes us feel good and gives us a huge excitement BUT when you need 3000$ to do some good scores and you see your hardware is too far behind some crazy A0 samples then yes,you get frustrated.With the E8600 and later with the bloomfield the differencies wheren't that huge.Now how do we expcect from a person to spend that amount of money when there is nothing to look for besides some fun?Like it or not a really good score is what we all want.If it was just for the fun of benching we would be playing with a chip that costs 50$,not 1000. As K404 all those crazy samples should be in another league.
  15. Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  16. Sorry mate but are u for real? You can run validation at 6200 and not run 1M at least at 5900 even on dice...Something speels funny,and it ain't my feet.
  17. Shit.....CAn't find the link....Anyway.Delete it.
  18. I saw that my score was blocked. It's been harvested from hwbox.gr but the bot failed to upload the verification link i gave. So here you go The score http://hwbot.org/community/submission/848194_crio_3dmark_2001_geforce_gtx_295_124650_marks?tab=info The FM link http://service.futuremark.com/resultAnalyzer.action?resultId=9484094&resultType=6
  19. OK.My mistake.Thanks for answering so quick.
  20. I remember a talk about F1 scores not taking points.Am i wrong?
  21. Just thaught in the discussion it was said that these scores would be out of the hwbot rankings.Correct me if i am wrong
  22. Are F1 contest scores counting in Hwbot rankings?
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