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Everything posted by drnip

  1. Being once as a fellow team mate I would have thought that you would have at least contacted them thru PM asking any questions you might have had before jumping to the extreme like you did here and starting a thread like this. You know these two individuals and what they are capable of benching wise as well as hardware wise. I guess I thought more of you Honda.
  2. HAHAHA I love it.
  3. Hmmm, you must of missed my post #84 of my chip. http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=92663&postcount=84 Either way new high for me: 2600k 5640.6 MHz Batch # - L041B229 Serial # - 1422 http://www.hwbot.org/community/submission/2123096_drnip_cpu_z_core_i7_2600k_5640.57_mhz EDIT: I found it. You have mine under L041B299 whereas mine is L041B229.
  4. Ran out of time. Will visit it again.
  5. May the overclocking gods shine down on your chip splave.
  6. Better not look at my 5.6ghz submission then, rofl.
  7. L041B229 - 5.5ghz boot so far. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1629011 EDIT: 5.6ghz boot. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1630881
  9. Yeah I wish I could get this setup back now. I know I could smash this time with a sub 7.
  10. She has 8 in her. Damn China chips rock!
  11. All the hard work and chip after chip finally pays out in the end. Congrats bro! I wish everyone could have a success story like this.
  12. Correction, Batch #L645F082.
  13. Thanks. Batch #L645F82. I had a 7.7ghz validation but the check sum was bad on it. P5B Deluxe would shut off if I gave it anymore than 1.96v. Would like to try this chip on a Commando.
  14. Haha lovin the setup. Looks like the dungeon!
  15. This comment leads me to believe option #6 is pointless. Also leads me to believe it doesn't matter what the masses say but what you say. I could be wrong though as coming across wrong on the internet is easy to do. Just please whatever you do make it stop. Dragging this out thread after thread, post after post, poll after poll, day after day has gotten old quick, fast and in a hurry. Then you have proposed after proposed and then after proposed revision concepts which is doing nothing but confusing everybody. All of this is killing peoples attitudes towards the bot. You might be blind to it all but everybody I have spoke with feels this way and this is across several forums I frequent. I'm with splave on this, do what your going to do and quit asking us and quit dragging us along on this crazy ride. Not trying to be harsh or a dick but just being real.
  16. Exactly as I was saying massman. Until you bring a beta we are left to draw our own conclusions and will be stuck on this mary-go-round.
  17. That's fine. You feel things need to change then things need to change. Nothing we can do about it. I believe alot of people fear the unknown, fear change and are left to draw there own conclusions on what will be. The majority of these conclusions are probably wrong in the end. You can post mock-up after mock-up, example after example but until you do a trial run and let people see what you are talking about you will have the dilemma that you have in your hands now. Good luck and I hope you work it out.
  18. Yes indeed what a strange world we live in and how people don't listen. The general census was to leave it alone and not go with the change but for some reason HWBot keeps starting thread after thread on changing it. Funny how the majority of the peeps are voting #2 and #6. Maybe this thread you will finally listen to the masses and just leave it the way it is. But its ya'lls world and we are just squirrels.
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