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Everything posted by komadyret

  1. I'm with Knopflerbruce on this. It should be visible but no points. The results/lists could maybe be formated and accessible in a different way, but todays policy of showing off but no points are good imho.
  2. That is cool! Very innovative, you got a sharp brain
  3. One is core RV530 and the other RV535. One is 90nm technology, the other 80nm. Quite a difference, but you need to look at the right places in GPU-z to see them. Cards initially look very similar
  4. Chiller, online wprime auto-submission is not reliable. That crap can't even read a correct cpu id or correct speed if you use software OC tools ot get those few extra MHz after you've launched wprime. I'd prefer manual with SS any day over that mess, as it gives much more info to judge a result by than the info automatically posted by wprime...
  5. /me trying hard to read screenie If this is the built-in wprime submission, I think RB was made aware of the mal-function a few days ago... hopefully it'll be fixed soon...
  6. More research to be done eventually. Thanks for the links Edit: I also came across this in my google searches: http://members.lycos.co.uk/bios/Merlin/
  7. Researching for the hwbot biography are we?
  8. Well, the PLL should be readable? It's printed on the chip. Podien got nice walk-through on finding the PLL here: http://www.cpu-cool.de/index.html As for the BIOSes and such, please report any findings. I have a NF7 inbound one of these days myself, and would very much like to have it up to date before I start exploring/exploting it's capabilities Edit: have you checked the abit website? :http://www.abit.com.tw/page/en/download/download_bios.php?pMAIN_TYPE=Motherboard&pSUB_TYPE=Socket%20A
  9. May be a SLI run. SM3 is a bit high for single card
  10. Obviously
  11. Did you perhaps loose the global points for those scores by besting them on other hardware?
  12. It should rather be awarded points/prizes/other advantages for holding the top-spot for a certain amount of time and/or for the longest time during competition. Just how effective this option will be, remains to be seen tho, strategy always goes toward winning the event....
  13. Agree It's just not comfortable the way it is now...
  14. wprime automatic submission offer no verification that is trustworthy other than a checksum. CPU info or any other info submitted with it is more often wrong than correct. Either it should be obligatory screenshot/other good means of verification, or we might as well dump the whole bench and start using cinebench or geekbench or whatever comes to mind for the hwboints instead. Just that so many actually submitt v2 results (willfully as cheaters, or by ignorance) undermines this benchmarks credibility, even if it is reasonably easy to weed them out as they are spotted. wprime is one of my favourite benches, and I'd be sad to see it go. Hopefully there will be some steps taken to make this as "secure" as superpi, cpu-z validation or pifast is.
  15. I can actually imagine only a tiny fraction of the tedium.... a very tiny fraction Thanks a lot for putting resources to this effort!
  16. Watermark the logo onto the screenies, or have it as desktop background. Should solve the issue?
  17. since v2 of wprime came, I've mostly submitted my wprimes (old version) here manually with screenie. Browsers mess up, as it tries to submit to both the hwbot and wprime sites, and it's not accepted at wprime... Not really a solution, I know, but works for me...
  18. Guess it's the 03-bug hitting again. Getting the card to 1100 on air is remarkable in it self, but to get that score it needs a core2duo at about 6GHz... Maybe I should dig up my Radeon 9800pro 135k-run and post it ROTFL!
  19. This user that has the world record, he's not even a bencher per se. He's just claiming the wprime WR. He has a handfull of submissions, all wprimes, and probably done only to get reasonably aquainted with the bench to get through a quick run with the server without harming 24/7 operations noticably. IF you are a bencher, you care less about world records. The records that count, is the records for each individual piece of hardware IMO. Ofcourse beating the WR is a big thing, but for personal satisfaction it is just as good knowing that with the cpu you have there is few, if any that can match your skill. If you want to compete in this, find a serverpark and buy a few processor cycles. Tho finding a >32cpu system that runs windows and let you buy time for a few wprime runs won't be easy. Still, cheaper than buying a system...
  20. Gotta agree here. SS and validation should be required for all benches ('cept maybe the CPU-z validation benchmark) There is much more intersting info to a benchmark than the valid final score w/sub-scores. My vote would go for both validation (link) AND screenshot for the top 20, and it wouldn't hurt if others made it a habit to supply both either-
  21. Yeah, thats probably the easiest. I couldn't quite figure out that post ???
  22. I honestly haven't looked over all these linked scores, but I don't think any of these are less than a year old, if not two. We can't expect users to keep all verification data for all future, forums loose data, websites go down, and rules have changed too. At some point screenshot requirements was leaner. I don't think there are any reasons to take action against any/most of these linked scores.
  23. Can be easily found in the faq section: http://hwbot.org/hwbot.post.do?postId=47 Sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for
  24. One member of my team has submitted a score with the Atom 230 cpu. All atempts so far at editing his forum post makes the bot scan identify it as a z500 cpu. To try and see what are wrong with the syntax I went through all Atom 230 entries I could find, and even a fair number of Z500 submissions. I actually can't see what are wrong with the syntax in my teammates post, but that ain't the point of this post either. What I would like is for someone to explain to me why so many Atom 230 cpus are identified and even manually submitted as Z500 cpus? There seems to be need for a cleanup in the Z500 class, unless these two cpu's are the same... Sorry if this is confusing. Hope some mod can look into it.
  25. Do like I do. Change the url to load the change for 1 day only. (24 hours) It keeps the data mostly non-overlaping. E-mail updates about changes doesn't work at all for me, and that's the best i've found to replace it. For a wish I'd like a drop-down meny for searching/tracking my changes. Like 1 day, 2 days, one week, one month etc. Or/and just add a date:time to the listing to show when the result-ranking was last updated.
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