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Everything posted by Kal-EL

  1. You'd have an entire Retail Army knocking on your door then Hwbot would turn into a Professional League of SPonsored/Paid or Manufacturer employed overclockers battling it out.
  2. Who does an overclocker communicate with in regards to clarification of these manufacturer driver overclocking events? Is there designated coordinators or is that you Massman?
  3. Kickarse run Romdominance + OCGMJ. Watching you two on the livestream work together was epic. Binky and the Brain couldnt have done better
  4. Don't be redunkeyless mang, cpu score is high and don't tell me he up-clocked it for the cpu test and downclocked for the screeny. Helluva an A for effort getting groovy and sporting some premium home brew chiller action tho. :thumbsup: for that.
  5. Outstanding work Dent buddy, amazing what you can do with these redonkeyless cards.
  6. I don't use arrows, just wishful heat vision. Until somebody with a competitive bone in their body decides to be slick and step out from behind their nda shield and start slipping out the cb fix, I'll stick with wishful thinking when riding that -58 thru -61 cold bug. Its cool, I understand the fear.
  7. How bout we just share the slow cold fix like sharing usually happens? Sounds like a great idea
  8. I've run xp-----win7 unstripped and at first glance server2008 was faster at stock clocks but at OC xp still held faster runs.
  9. And with this submission, Overclockaholic's OC-Alliance breaks thru the 20K boint barrier Nice work Patch
  10. Nice clocks all around brudder, way to grab 1sssssssssssst
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