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Everything posted by Kal-EL

  1. ORB links for all submissions sounds great! :nana::banana::celebration:
  2. O.k., is there a tag for a team's most recent submissions list?
  3. Thx Massman, yah know, sometimes you really crack me up man :celebration: (I hope it doesn't take that long ) http://www.overclockaholics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2966
  4. You guys are cool with your knowledge, awesome How do I find my Team ID #?
  5. "nice sense of community" x 2
  6. So what happens in an instance like that? Warnings? Temp Ban? Spanks? Dunce Icon for 12 months?
  7. Closest thing to a performance shop here is my personal inventory of hardware aquired thru newegg. Beyond that, its a barren landscape for tech. Can't complain too much, I do live in a tropical paradise filled with smokin hot chicks.
  8. Good stores. There are no shops here at all that sell even one processor anymore. Online is the only option. Taiwan looks the place to be for tech paradise. Location, location, location. Really good video, thx for sharin.
  9. Any idea which shop sells 12 pieces of 6.2ghz Vantage chips? I'll drop the dough if you're in the know. Andre, where do you buy your chips from? or is it bought straight from intel?
  10. rofl, a playground! nice one, I'll play around with it tonight
  11. Forgive the noob coding questions Fred, I'm wingin it 99% of the time. Is there an easy way to get this page to display on the forums or on a seperate/dedicated html page: http://hwbot.org/community/team/ocalliance?tab=rankings
  12. Nice stuff Fred, you got a small baby bot button image we can use?
  13. No, you joined the popular crowd in making an ASSUmption. His post relates to the other threads here at hwbot where there is a debate over the detection or deception of ES vs Retail. Naive is thinking you are an authority on implications thats somehow compelled to notify people when and where they are out of line. Easy to dogpile on people, but I guess if I'm out of line or way off, you'll let me know asap or wait at least until a few others say so first so your not alone in speaking out of your mind, which is cool if thats what your speaking out of. Try taking words at face value instead of seeking implications or hidden meanings, it'll help you get around the internet better. If you have a question as to the possible implications, ask before you make an assumption.
  14. I don't think he called cheat unless someone deleted a post I didn't read, seems to me he was highlighting the fact that you can't prove or disprove its ES or Retail. Whats bad for the community is when people can't speak their minds, thats bad for the community. Swearing is unnecessary, however, and Massman already addressed that. Benchzowner tends to speak his mind which is something that alot of people are afraid to do and then you have the TOOL Top Ten Groupies that will say or do anything their god's tell them to do. Bottom line, its a bad arse, smoking hot score, ES or Retail don't matter, its sick retarded fast as heck. :celebration:
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