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Everything posted by Kal-EL

  1. How much for a 2.5ghz 3D06 screeny w/.3dr using my key?
  2. Make wprime32m say 0.143s Beaux!!!!! Do those chips seem to take more vCore when run side by side on a dual socket board?
  3. At this rate of overclocking, I'll be a grand-pa before you hit 59ghz
  4. Its over here: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1047003_
  5. hehe, thx guys, the chip is pretty bad arse once you get past all the bitching. Doesnt show even a hint of degradation which is awesome! I wish they made 980x's like that
  6. Thx guys. Looks like Supergirl got the vote for Most Popular Photo this week, rofl. (upper right corner of the home page)
  7. Maybe? I was closing in on the top spot so I went with pushing the sub-timings first, but a third date may be a charm Thx mang, first date was pretty rough http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=9963 Added the run preceding this one on youtube using the iphone 4. Couldn't hold the phone, grab the mouse and pour ln2 to video the fastest run See video above or visit The Overclockaholics Channel
  8. Thx Brian, theres prolly another 75-100 wprime mhz left in the chip, had to cut the session short again due to rising humidity as the peski Hawaiian sun came up this morning
  9. Well, truthfully.............................She was sort of a "wench" if yah know what I mean, playin all hard in the boot and all. Telling me, "Pinch v here, DON'T touch v there". If she wasn't such a hotty, I prolly woulda just pumped her core (voltage) and bailed. I'm not sure but I think I got the socket a little wet omg, its my ex-wife all over again
  10. thx buddy, workin at it I wanna give the Classy another swing at it, its a really good board, just gotta find the sweet stuff Awe mang, I didn't think anyone cared! lol
  11. Go into your program folder files in your C: drive (os drive), look for the rivatuner folder. Right click and edit the .cfg file in notepad. In this instance we are adding the GTX 480: Device ID : 06c0 for 480 add this line: G200 = 06C0-06FF into the [GPU_10DE] section and this line: DEV_06c0 = "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480" into the [VEN_10DE] section add
  12. thx Beaux, I'm hittin a -120 cbb and -130ish cb w/triple channel.
  13. Duex, you got a backup screeny? I wanna peep your screeny but hwbot got the raygun from "Honey I shrunk the kids"
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