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Everything posted by Kal-EL

  1. Are any products even leaving japan at this point???? Those guys are getting hammered.
  2. Hey rick you should prolly delete the dll file
  3. Excellent overclocking bro on an equally excellent ES sample.
  4. Nice to see the passion in overclocking guys and stummer making diamonds
  5. open to discussions, thats good stuff right there
  6. Splavezoner cut the horseshit already mang.
  7. Friggin boneheads... Yah, thread trashing, name calling, clever cleaver throwing, all that jiz sucks. Lets all fucking get along already and give people the opportunity to raise concerns that they personally feel are important to them in a safe, healthy and productive environment instead of a hostile bullish and offensive one. Or not. Let's at least agree to disagree eh?
  8. Sry, yer too fast, " wut:confused: " was directed at the op, didn't quite get what he was asking. (add 2fast to your usertitle)
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