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Everything posted by Kal-EL

  1. No, people werent born yesterday, just you. You should probably find a way out of this thread after being embarrassed so badly. Maybe pretend like you feel bad for pissing on it for several pages with your oca fettishes. If this was XS forums you could go back and ninja delete your fail posts. Redonkeyless!
  2. We thought it was pretty hysterical. I love my political reply too, too bad it didn't prevent you from your rigorous assault on OCA. Your lame attempt at blackballing OCA failed miserably. In the end, the only mind you managed twist was Fugger's. Is there another direction you'd like to go or are you still grasping at straws on the hardware sharing thing? Take your time, maybe a day or so to think up something clever to ninja edit/ add to your posts that will disguise your fail filled attempt at yet another OCA character assassination attempt. Whats sad is you'll never stop, you're consumed by the name OCA, it haunts your soul that you'll never get a leg up. You had every chance to save face and not look like a fool but here we are yet again with another foolish Chrolley ride on the Chroll train. I think deep down inside in some twisted fashion, you wish you were on the #1 ranked U.S. Overclocking Team. I guess we should take it as a compliment that you are so obsessed with us. Lemme know when you want a lock of my hair. What? No admition to calling splave an asshole and lying about knowing who he is? I wouldnt admit that either, if I was spineless. I'd try and re-direct attention away from anything I was proven to be absolutely wrong about. I 100% guarantee that whomever your little chat screenshot conversation is with, THEY ARE NOT a Team OCA member.
  3. Option B it is bro, you're scorn for OCA stomping your ass in the rankings after all that shit talking about how it couldnt be done has made you see things you think exist but don't. Granted, rick's little joke pm to you suggesting you join the winning team didn't help relations between xs and oca but for you to go crying to Fugger about it like a little girl was uncalled for. Rick took his ban from xs for it and we had a good long discussion about the shit talking and pm's. Then you tell everyone that the reason XS lost 1st place is because we reported all your scores when it was the other way around. You shit talk splave and tell people you've benched with him in the past and he's an asshole when you never saw the guy once before in your life. On and On your shitlog goes. We've tried to play nice with you guys and be good community members. You have no evidence, you have no proof that OCA engaged in this elaborate hardware sharing scheme because it never took place. We clarrified the hardware sharing rules with both Massman and Frederick and played by those rules while everyone else played by a different set of rules. And now, everyday you seek some sorta retribution by slandering our Team's name every chance you get. You've shit talk us to every person in the business since then. I know these things because the whole time you're yapping your mouth to these people, they were giving me the play by play because we all got a kick outa you spinning your wheels. Go back to criminal law summer school rookie, you've gots loads more to learn about interviewing a witness. This is it, I tried to keep shit cool, but this is the last time anyone from OCA address' your foundless claims of purported mystical mischief. Post your double rainbow pics and screenshots and do whatever gets you off. You are officially on the Team OCA Ignore CHROLL List, you won't walk anymore of our goats buddy . Well maybe a few more goats....... Kal
  4. Things can get frisky sometimes and under the current Overclocking Community climate with people being less than scrupulous, the tension of impending change, bundled with the natural competitiveness of an overclocker, sometimes things get said, go too far or get misunderstood. I firmly believe for the most part, if we all try really really hard to treat each other with respect, dignity, understanding, acceptance and honor, then we can all get along and have a better community for it. I don't agree with some of the things chew or others say or do but I do try my best to disagree while getting along. In private I curse their names repeatedly While a cage match would be really funny to watch with limbs being torn off and thrown into the crowd like t-shirts, and it would appear that theres an bitter OCA vs XS theme going, we not interested in the drama and would much rather get along with the 4 active overclockers at Team XS. Group Hug? I predict chew will stuff his foot in his mouth with ficticious screenshots and failed attempts at making Team OCA appear to be cheaters and then go back and ninja edit his posts so he doesnt look so stupid at which point I'll go back in time and ninja edit my posts to show him that two can play that game.
  5. Cut the crap guys, this shit is really stupid and un-needed. I'm retired now, free at last
  6. Yep steppy you almost caught me bud Fact is, another session and you WILL catch & Pass me, so don't retire just yet
  7. Is there a code to display this page? http://hwbot.org/rankings/overclocker/team/ocalliance
  8. Session #2 will get you the Gold on this one too! Great Clocking D!
  9. Wasn't planned??? All the good things happen that way, least thats what mom said when I was born Somebody gotta pm me the link to the 980x 6ghz+ superstore, j/k
  10. Yah, I think you need to dial back your overclock, I'm getting memory errors on my side
  11. Hey Turrican, no fair man, using a psychic to quote me before I even post?
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