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Everything posted by varachio

  1. Clock generator is recognized acually but... no changing by 1Mhz increments, and jump from 105Mhz to 112Mhz fsb even if it will be possible probably would freeze the system instantly... I tried but once applied the new freq. nothing happens... fsb remains the same...
  2. I like to remind you that at round 1 other VALID submissions - including mine - deleted because was not in accordance 100% with the rules. This time I read carefully and submitted my results according the rules. So I included a valid screenshot for the cpu-z speed that submitted. Personally for the cpu-z stage I do not think that we should be so strict and delete any scores this time - the ones that have no screenshot - despite the fact that this will bring my score even higher. Let's be more carefull and strict next round. This is my suggestion.
  3. I agree that fsb 66 and multi 5 is clearly a bug. This is not my case. I noticed that bug during tests after fsb 83 ( fsb 95 & fsb 100) and thus I did not submited a higher bugged or a higher unvalidated speed close to 330-350 that I had because I do not like someone to remove my scores or accuse me for cheating. But my result shows picture of MMX233 cpu and the cpu multi in this case is 3.5 Fsb 83 is a piece of cake on this board even for an amateur. I will not debate / insist anymore on that. I give up! It 's not worth trying to prove that I am not an elephant. Thanks for the reply anyway.
  4. I read briefly the posts above... I must ask you unfortunately from my side , why also my submission removed. The multi is correct (Cpu 233/66fsd=multi 3,5) , the photo is there, the fsb (83 speed) is the correct, the screenshot is there, everything visible and clear, so what is wrong? http://hwbot.org/submission/3795358_ I could submit a score of 330 speed but i could not succeed to validate it (cpu-z validation reverted always with rejected), so i prefered to keep the validated lower score and now is blocked as a result? I really not get it. valid = valid Not valid = Not valid And I declare my result AS VALID!
  5. I miss some minor efficiency... I 'll try to return with some more MHz and/or some efficiency improovement...
  6. Well done! Impressive freq. I should admit... The efficiency in this specific bench however is another story... I assume that you will have a decent efficient hwbot-prime score
  7. Just impressive!!! You must be confident that none would be able to hit your score, in order to post it so soon, huh? anyhow, well done! Even alone it is a very good result!
  8. Thanks mate. You know that can go even higher. Huh? We were a bit unlucky last time but finally we managed to find the way up to the first place even with the hard way.
  9. Well done mate! Great cpu also. 5900 on SS! let's see what will do on LN2! Giga-Board rocks!!!
  10. It seems quite efficient. Win10 maybe?
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