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Everything posted by TAGG

  1. Well yes and no... The entry level stuff isn't expensive but now check what geforce 256 DDR + GF2 Ultra + GF3 Ti 500 + GF4 ti 4600 + GF4 ti 4800 SE costs... I'm not complaining for my own sake obviously as i have that lineup, heck i have multiple of most of them and it would probably help motivate me to bin them and sell some but imo competitions should be designed to attract as many people as possible and that's pretty hard if you know right away that you won't have a chance to be competitive.
  2. Thats well over a grand in GPUs... Make it actually afordable to go out and buy cards to have fun, one ATI one Nvidia and NV17/RV280 then it's like cheapaz but with GPUs we'd never get for cheapaz cause too old Maybe consider making Nvidia one 01 and ATI one 03 running single test of 03 is no fun.
  3. TAGG

    [EU] HD 5830s

    Added some new goodies, price drops on the Booster and Maximzer
  4. TAGG

    [EU] HD 5830s

    Hypers again
  5. TAGG

    [EU] HD 5830s

    Added Some Hypers
  6. TAGG

    [EU] HD 5830s

    One maximizer sold, one to go
  7. TAGG

    [EU] HD 5830s

    2x HD 5830 both cards work, clocks on the label are 3D03 Nature @stock volts ---> 20€/each 30€ if you take both. EU Shipping is between 11€ and 21€, worldwide shipping is possible please ask for quote SOLD:
  8. How did i miss this? 4GHz 939 is very exclusive club Btw some older CPU-Z versions all the way back to 1.7x validate now and should be lighter to run
  9. Cause IMC on this chip is weird... Nope, but they are worse on air than what i have made for 256MB Infineons
  10. Just testing out some of my DIY sticks THis 3500+ has terrible IMC, shoulda used the one from you...
  11. Some "newer" stuff allso welcome now
  12. Still unsucessfully searching
  13. Just utterly broken OS, it's no secret tweak or anythign besides i'm running W7...
  14. I have some ideas why that is For one basically nobody on OCN seems to have benched for teampower points so we have less scores in obscure benches, second we had splave and after he left a lot of the 2nd best scores never got any points, so chances are we're loosing a bunch of stuff but thanks to recalc we allso gain some points on scores where we had none before...
  15. Good stuff, just learned that there's apparently a bench with globals where furys are the meta :D
  16. It is, my own one "only" does 665 or so
  17. I think my chip is better, problem is either under the CPU or infront of the monitor, not sure which tbh ?
  18. Indeed and allso board that can do 200 strap tight PL...
  19. Yeah, it's the board that makes everything into celerons Vcore about 1,9 Vmem 3,5 AGP can't remember
  20. Getting 62pters with a Haswell chip, that's how it's done :)
  21. A Volcano-X in the wild, that's something :D
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