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Everything posted by TAGG

  1. CPU died completely before i could diagnose effi issues, but thanks for the tip, will do once i have another chip
  2. Not sure taking literal picture of the screen counts :D
  3. Can't answer that as my whole e7500 binning is core only, which was probably wrong since the best chip is totally fsb limted on cold This is 3rd best core out of the 176 chips
  4. If possible i'd suggest 50 max and 5 points less per 10 subs under 100, so 90-99 would be 45, 80-89 40 and so on for a absolute floor of 10 (under 30 subs)? Or maybe set the floor higher if you guys want more points for less popular stuff?
  5. Ok, so HW points are going to be hardcore i guess right now i have some 48 and 49 pointers in rankings with like 90-99 subs Allso from that i can take away that all benches are worth the same? so no more 67 point 32M vs. 41 point pifast and so on?
  6. So lowest you can get for globals is 50 points? Even for the categories that have <10 subs? that would be kinda cool not gonna lie, makes it actually worth benching those Allso what will HW point ceilings look like?
  7. Yeah, somehow the chip hates that too... tried for a coupple litres to get it to like 5:8
  8. If they don't want 775, how about just DDR3/4 and ban 775/771 specifically? 1156 can allso do bclk
  9. Can we make intel BCLK stage universal, or at least DDR3+ so i have something fun to bench?
  10. Just checked i have no aditional pics of build process you don't have, so have nothing to add, feel free to share whatever you want
  11. Looks like you guys got the EDP throtteling issue fixed :)
  12. It's allowed to run any multi you can get working, so go ahead and mod those bridges
  13. Please put this one in dual CPU category, nice score btw :)
  14. Yeah, this chip sucks No clue, i don't do 4coredual without epower
  15. I think that would mean new tops for 2/4/6/8 threads would be G4520/7640X/9600K/9700K(all but gpupi) honestly that sounds hillarious cause 90% of all the serious scores of past gens become worthless ? As much as i would love to see that for the pure chaos i'm honestly for the "a core is a core" approach, so 12900K is 16C and done
  16. I know name of the comp contains ddr4 but rules don't so far, can i assume i can bring some gtx2s for the random draw price?
  17. Currently contemplaiting if getting quad socket is worth it, or if dualsocket and taking #2 vs. 2 octasocket subs from w9 is the better play here
  18. Ah shit and here i am, thinking i stood a chance with a dualsocket board ?
  19. Opterons are allowed i assume if dual 940 is OK?
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