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i dont know why people say i used waterchiller,


A. i just used a continer full of Ice (that you can find in your refrigerator)

and put the Watercooler's Radiator in that container and it makes temps bellow 10C in Idle and always i make sure that container is full of Ice!



B. if you did not delid your chip your Idle and Load temps will be still high,

so i delided my chip!


C. i bought my chip from a local forum as a "Low voltage chip" and spent more than a new 4770k price


i think these things are not against the Rules! but if the mods don't think the same i will remove my subs


i'am trying to call u out on your cooling method its just iv never seen temps that cold with water cooling even with putting the rad in a bucket of ice water. so u bought this chip for more $ than a new one and then u delid the thing must be your not worried about the warranty if it was even still covered

i'am trying to call u out on your cooling method its just iv never seen temps that cold with water cooling even with putting the rad in a bucket of ice water. so u bought this chip for more $ than a new one and then u delid the thing must be your not worried about the warranty if it was even still covered


we have no Intel warranty in iran.

deliding the chip is the only way to get good temp witout worrying about warranty

if you did not delid your chip and your chip is not a lovo chip, there is no way to compete with others and bench on high clocks,

i bought this chip and delided it only for benching in water or aircooling league,not for 24/7 using,

so spending money on it, no intel warranty, deliding , they are not oposit of each other if you wanted to show your point,

maybe "spend extra money on a chip without warranty and delining it" in your opinion, is not normal, and you want to tell " because it is not normal so it will be impossible for a guy to "does that​.


All sounds fair and reasonable to me. That's the whole point to comps like this, to push what you have as far as you can with whatever you can do within the rules.


Must say, if I were running a haswell, a delid would be the first thing I did after some baseline runs for benching. All reports point to great improvements. Now if only my IV-E liked the cold, running 7deg ambient and can only manage and extra 50mhz over a 25deg ambient.


Keep those good scores going Soorena.


Lime, you've got a great chip there buddy, x79 just can't go clock for clock with the haswells.


I'm hoping to get my hands on a DC by the end of the comp.


sorry man but i think you have no info about what you talking about,

theere is 2 type of cooling in HWBOT, 1. extreme 2. ambient


Extremes : LN2 , LHe , Cascades , TECs

Ambients : stock cooling, air cooling, watercooling


my cooling is watercooling that i cooled down its radiator with the help of Ice

if you like to play with the word "ambient" here is not a place for it!

all the cooling that are not Extreme are ambients!


it's better to leave it to Mods,

Posted (edited)

you're using external source (ice ) to cool the water in your system .

It acts like a chiller .

And for me it s not "ambient cooling" when your cpu is 20°C colder than ambient temperature .

(4°C at idle)

Lets see what Massman has to say about this . It has to be clear for all of us .

Edited by nvidiaforever2
you're using external source (ice ) to cool the water in your system .

It acts like a chiller .

And for me it s not "ambient cooling" when your cpu is 20°C colder than ambient temperature .

(4°C at idle)

Lets see what Massman has to say about this . It has to be clear for all of us .


Not trying to interfere but, It's been an ongoing discussion for years in all the leagues. As it stands right now, water is water no matter what the temp, because there's no positive way to prove the temp, short of video footage of the rig in action, and ain't nobody got time fo dat.


Best advice: even the playing field. You use ice water also. ;)


The discussion on ambient temperature is a bit offset. In the competition as long as air is flowing or water is flowing through the system it should be ok as per rules. Cooling the radiator in an icebucket should also be ok. Anyone who want could do the same without extra hardware. It is afterall possible to have 0 degrees or even less in a room if it is winter. Since I am in a place with 27-28C I will always suffer ;-) but it makes it more challenging.

my i7-4820k is dead my it r.i.p it will boot maybe 1 time outta 10 motherboard says microcode is missing so i dunno guess i put to much voltage to it or somthing


Re-flash the motherboards bios. ;)

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