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Socket 4/5/7 Hall of Fame


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In this thread you can find the Socket 4/5/7 Hall of Fame charts. Please post if you want the HOFs of other benchmarks too. Note: there might be some faulty data in the charts since they include results which are often not very visible. Simply use the report functionality and the moderator staff will take care of it. Thanks!


Hardware Points


CPU Frequency


SuperPI 1M


SuperPI 32M






Reference Clock


Memory Clock

Edited by Massman
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New Scores:

  • 2015-07-22 - 733.870 - ludek - K6-2 500MHz @ 733.87 MHz - 133 MHz \N - Soltek SL-56H6

  • 2015-06-23 - 236.129 - Strunkenbold - K6-2+ 550MHz @ 660.00 MHz - \N MHz \N - Epox EP-MVP3G2
  • 2015-06-23 - 248.577 - Strunkenbold - K6-III+ 400MHz @ 615.00 MHz - \N MHz \N - Aopen AX59 Pro

  • 2015-06-23 - 478.640 - Strunkenbold - K6-2+ 550MHz @ 660.00 MHz - \N MHz \N - Epox EP-MVP3G2

  • 2015-07-31 - 112.200 - max1024 - K6-2 450MHz @ 336.00 MHz - \N MHz \N - Aopen AX59 Pro
  • 2015-07-31 - 112.100 - MrPaco - K6-2 400MHz @ 448.59 MHz - 112.1 MHz \N - Aopen AX59 Pro
  • 2015-06-14 - 112.040 - Strunkenbold - K6-2 350MHz @ 336.00 MHz - \N MHz \N - Aopen AX59 Pro
  • 2015-07-10 - 112.000 - Marquzz - K6-2+ 550MHz @ 559.90 MHz - 112 MHz \N - Aopen AX59 Pro

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I had my Gigabyte prepped, but had to remove the eraser, because I needed it for the X4 Phenom.

But will try to push it to the max soon. Still have the OS installed and tweaked.

Can't find a cheap K6-III+ though. I have one with stripped gold from the pins :/

So many of these CPUs went to "gold-diggers"...

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