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This is something i've thought about for a LONG time.... a lot of people come and go from this hobby. Who remembers the names of guys who quit years ago? Maybe they were great benchers, maybe they were old-school... there's a lot of different ways someone can be good at this without being No.1 all the time.... or ever!


This hobby/ sport is so transient, what scores from 6 months ago are remembered? What was any world record 6 months ago? Who knows who had the world records 6 months ago? Who cares about them, because maybe someone else has taken over?



What if, each year, a selection of people who had their own speciality were added to a list of "greats?"


Like.... best AMD bencher, best Intel, best nVidia, ATI, best SLI, best CF.... who had the most gold or most silverware, who was always there kicking out great scores, who was No.1 in the league for the most days etc etc etc.... HWB can set up whatever categories they like and these people are REMEMBERED, because the list is updated each year with the new names, but keeping the old ones instead of overwriting them.




I wouldnt wanna see this be decided by having a "closing date" each year because then everyone sandbags for the last 6 weeks beforehand and things are decided by the leaderboards of one moment. Who is there throughout the WHOLE year, consistent?


I hope you know what i'm trying to explain... and agree!


If it's decided on HWB points/ rankings over the year, hopefully not. :) Could have a few "public-voted" positions too, so Massman can win something too :D

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