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Say I want to submit a CPU-z max mhz valid, then submit a cpu-z max mem mhz valid at the same time........It will only keep uploading the cpu-z max mhz valid. Tried 3 browsers and cookie delete etc no luck.

  • Crew

Yes, you have to wait for a while, otherwise it will always go back to the highest CPU clock for the CPU, no matter the memory clock... Learned that the hard way. :D

  • Crew
it will always go back to the highest CPU clock for the CPU, no matter the memory clock... Learned that the hard way. :D
You can re-upload the for submissions after a pause. And you'll have both ;)


Their dedupe systems looks only at the CPU. Learned the hard way after spending the whole evening making s370 ref clock results on ~10 boards and then trying to submit all of them. I've achieved 1 valid in result :D


how about if I accidentally made it non public yesterday....tried it again this morning 15 hours later gave me the question mark still when resubmitted.



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