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Everything posted by marco.is.not.80

  1. No, you'll beat ZERO every time using this method.
  2. I'm not trying to give the impression that somehow I'm spamming the recalculate button but rather explain that the button whether it is the one for my entire account or the one for individual benchmarks simply doesn't work. Normally, when you click on the one to recalculate an individual score you get a message saying something - anything - at least a hint of what is about to happen (ie. your next in the queue - one submission ahead of you" or "this is marco.is.not.80s best submission" or "whatever"). In my case (and it sounds like GTIJay above me) when I hit the button I can "press it" and "depress it" and it's like broken javascript link where you can click it until the cows come home but it isn't actually linked to anything. Make sense? Sorry if I'm not expressing such a simple concept with words... I don't know... I'm tired.
  3. When I try and do that with any of my scores it just "flashes" and doesn't even give me the please wait message or anything like that. Maybe my account is even more fracked up then I first thought.
  4. how did you do a recalc when the button is unavailable in our account settings?
  5. Thanks, Leeghoofd, I'll do that and safe travels. By the way, I have no idea why my post above looks like it was encoded incorrectly. Weird.
  6. 4+hours+ago,+marco.is.not.80+said: By+the+way,+I+found+a+blind+SQL+injection+vector+that+allows+me+to+enumerate+tables+and+a+file+include+vulnerability+that+allows+a+remote+attacker+to+not+only+upload+his+results+but+take+a+few+goodies+back+with+him. Where+does+one+report+those+kind+of+issues? Ok,+I+made+that+up+but+don't+feel+so+bad+now+that+I+know+support+isn't+just+ignoring+me+because+I'm+boring.+I+just+needed+to+come+to+terms+with+the+fact+that+there+really+is+no+one+at+home.
  7. By the way, I found a blind SQL injection vector that allows me to enumerate tables and a file include vulnerability that allows a remote attacker to not only upload his results but take a few goodies back with him. Where does one report those kind of issues?
  8. I believe my rank dropping is related to this issue: I believe those points were being credited to me and then something changed. I remember at one point a week or so ago that when I went to my account page it showed that I didn't belong to a division even though I had signed up for division 1 ages ago and so I selected division 1 again and it then gave me the "You've joined the overclocker's league"... it's been all down hill since then. :-( It's amazing how quickly one can lose their interest when issues like this go unresolved and help seems just out of reach.
  9. Exactly the same thing as you, man... Mine shows 0 but can't do a recalc since the button is offline.
  10. Wow, I've dropped over 100 places in my league. I also noticed that my Catzilla entry going back months ago has disappeared. Since I can't hit the recalc button myself would really appreciate it if a mod could do it really quick - unless it is a painful process then no worries - but hoping to get some sort of affirmation... Thanks :-)
  11. Maybe I'm just guilty by association? ;-)
  12. I moved up a spot or two at most when I benched GPUPI 3.3.2 a few days ago but now that the points have been removed I've dropped a few hundred spots in all three places (world rank, league rank and country rank) and I can't hit the recalc button because it is disabled and was wondering if a moderator would be so kind as to do it for me?
  13. We should go out of our way to ensure that the developers of benchmarks like GPUPI are even more valued than our scores... Furthermore, if you happen to be a really gifted developer, not socially retarded and you are community centered well - hwbot should make a little statue out of gold in mat's likeness and consider making him part of the logo or <insert some creative idea here since mine sucks>. I don't get the problem with everyone having to rebench - go look at #1 for the apprentice league. That guy (no disrespect to him and certainly he hasn't done anything wrong) is going to be #1 for ever with no chance of anyone ever catching up to him. He doesn't even need to compete in any of the competitive challenges. I don't get how someone just has to run 3dmark 03, 05 and 06 with different video cards to maintain supremacy of an entire league. It seems some periodic rebenching helps solve problems like this. I will be the first to admit that I'm relatively new here and I may just not understand how the rankings work but god knows I've tried to understand the formula but am more confused than ever with the new revision. It feels like I'm actually competing in three different leagues with different rules. I can be 90th in USA, 60th in the world and 79th in my league. I'm always a little baffled when I look at the Elite league and the #1 person isn't ranked #1 in the world. Anyways, probably not staying on topic now so anywhoodles...
  14. Splave, I think you forgot to change one of the CPU-Z tabs to Motherboard and have two open CPU-Z to the memory tab.
  15. I think in the interest of - i don't know- can't think of anything - but you should avoid sweeping the competition with 50s across the board by temporarily becoming mortal on the final two GPU benchmarks for div 1 ;-) PS: insane time!
  16. I am trying to enter my score for SuperPI in my latest result and it won't take "05:27:016" and keeps changing it when I hit submit to "05:27:160" which is obviously not the same thing. See the following link: http://hwbot.org/submission/3807117_marco.is.not.80_superpi___32m_core_i7_7700k_5min_27sec_16ms/ What the heck?
  17. I don' t know enough about LN2 to tell you if that means it scales but I can tell you just so you can get some context that using a water chiller my 8800k is doing 5.6 at 1.58.
  18. Mat, this is old news but I never did officially thank you for removing the HPET timer requirement in GPUPI for Skylake and above processors. Thanks for all your hard work!
  19. Shit... how do I correct that? I guess I can't... Man, I was so tired and forget to change the tabs. Of course, right?
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