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Everything posted by ZFeSS

  1. Why taking PC outside of your room is the same level of "extreme" as DI? Please add the rule "Cooling SS rad with cold air makes it same as LN2".
  2. I don't understand this "apprentice" thing. If you force you cooling methods to go below ambient - that's extreme cooling. In other case - Enthusiast. Apprentice - what is this? DI is about -78 degrees, also you need a pot, skill, knowledge, insulation, and buy it every time. If you take your PC outside it's not extreme in any way, it cost nothing and accessible for every novice. I don't care about leagues but I don't understand why simplest and cheapest method of better cooling is not suitable for enthusiast league.
  3. You failed to read description. Item Picture Shown Only.Actual May various. It means that you'll never receive B-Die sticks produced two years ago.
  4. Yes, this cpu binned by TaPaKaH. I've tested only two E6300. Both have wall at 550.
  5. Good one! Congrats! 77721 @ 1.84 is for 1800, right? Then 65515 is easy here
  6. There is no reason to compete with GDDR5 cards. Maybe it should be in it's own category, but I don't care.
  7. I'll take two 576+ cpus.
  8. Will buy 1-2 of each if they are available.
  9. Good clocks for TC50. What voltage did you use?
  10. Manage to achieve 130MHz fsb with AHCI enabled. Up to 133 gives freeze with artifacts. First 5370 submission on hwbot.org
  11. How much nbvoltage your cpu need for this clocks? Mine have troubles even with 1600 mem at stock voltages
  12. Looks like not only me does that in last seconds Congrats to all participants. I've bought X850XT at the beginning of the month and it was dead Can't find any more X800 card local. Received new one just yesterday and got only 4 hours to make a result. Shot 8171 in last minute, but when i submit competition ended.
  13. Will receive mine tomorrow. Is it clocks better than 5350? Or fsb is not a limit?
  14. Do you have UT P45-T3RS? UT P45 and DK P45 are not the same.
  15. It's more than regular Ti4400, but less than Ti4600. Ti4600 clocks a little bit better in general, and has 2.8ns mems. It's really hard to make 750+ on 3.3ns, with 2.8 you can push mems to 800. My second (3.3ns) card fails at 700 for example.
  16. Thanks. Looks like 19k was possible, too bad that I didn't recheck boost from raising agp clocks. AFAIK tras 11 is faster than any other, tested by many other people before. Didn't checked it in this case really.
  17. Didn't get any additional marks for overclocking agp 4x to 88MHz. I think agp 8x is not necessary. Or you get some positive numbers? Win2k is really a must. Few weeks ago I installed W2K and forget about XP. Used it only to define max clocks.
  18. Thanks to all participants for this stage! 27 teams is good. More people = more fun. It was great to see some serious numbers. Congrats to I.nfraR.ed and Stelaras.
  19. Asus Ti4200 3.3ns mem. Water temp +6C. Chipset waterblock from RE on GPU. vGPU 1.92v, vMem 3.05v. vDD mod, vMem mod, 3.3v PSU rail mod - useless. CPU is capable for 2810 but not this time.
  20. Congrats for the winner! Hope to see 20k from someone, but you scored really high. We make all board mods - VDD, VMem and 3.3V PSU rail, but it didn't give us even 1MHz FSB. Anyway I wasn't expect 2nd place in stage 1 with Ti4200 and watercooling. Tweaks make a great boost in 01. Did you get any boost from omega drivers?
  21. Cool, it works now. It didn't work for me few weeks ago. Does it mean that problem with submitting results for competition is at hwbot side? Or my case in this thread is different?
  22. Good work! Mysticial, can I ask you some question? You used Java only for GUI? So is it possible to run benchmark, save validation file and submit through java app on other machine? I think most benchers don't like 2D benchmarks that require additional software to run. As far as I can understand benchmark run linux, problem is in java submitter?
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